Update history
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text="XStore Changelog" font_container="tag:h2|text_align:center" use_theme_fonts="yes"][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text el_class="version-update"]
Latest version 6.3.3 / Core plugin 2.3.3
Coming Soon- ADDED: Ajax add to cart option for single product builder
- ADDED: Full-width layout (option) in the single product builder
- IMPOVED: Theme options removed for nonadmin users
- IMRPOVED: Promo text speed and delay options
- IMPROVED: Mobile menu popup with skeleton load
- IMPROVED: Single product gallery with thumbnails (active thumb on main slider change, fixed transition with variations galleries option on )
- IMPROVED: Theme custom CSS sections in the Customizer
- FIXED: Custom widget area title (error while specific symbols were used)
- FIXED: Dark version styles
- FIXED: JS error on the shop page related to frontend.js
- FIXED: Notices related to router.php
- FIXED: Compatibility with Products shortcode of WooCommerce
- FIXED: Space in et-sliders of swiper
- FIXED: Implode function in header builder
- FIXED: Brands permalinks if the project is disabled
- FIXED: Instagram Check for new posts(auto re-init after changing)
- FIXED: Import of elementor_global_image_lightbox
Latest version 6.3.2 / Core plugin 2.3.2
April 28, 2020- ADDED: Elementor demo content import of Furniture, Engineer, Organic01, Finances, Home decor
- ADDED: Quick view off-canvas type
- ADDED: Ajax add to cart option for single product builder
- ADDED: Account icon in customizer selects
- IMPROVED: «Quick View Content» option with sorting
- IMPROVED: Quick view loading with skeleton preloader
- FIXED: Mobile panel wishlist notices without Wishlist plugin activated
- FIXED: Custom vc_grid content product stock, image hover slider
- FIXED: Ajax pagination with double products per page
- FIXED: Swatches Ajax filters alerts
- FIXED: Product list type with 4, 5, 6 columns
- FIXED: Ajax load for product with custom template
- FIXED: PHP 7.4.5 support
- FIXED: Single product builder tabs accordion type on mobile
- FIXED: Account dropdown/canvas content on checkout form with login option enabled
- FIXED: Responsive size module in WPBakery builder (notices)
- FIXED: Image carousel (pretty photo popup)
- FIXED: Single product gallery with Elementor builder enabled
- FIXED: Related/Upsells slider in sidebar with Elementor
- FIXED: Promo text element autoplay in header builder
- FIXED: product brands/categories import
- FIXED: SKU search
Latest version 6.3.1 / Core plugin 2.3.1
April 14, 2020- ADDED: Elementor demo content import of Hipster, Lingerie, Marseille02, Shoes versions
- ADDED: Brand page settings ( Sidebar position, Number of products per row )
- ADDED: Mobile panel navigation
- ADDED: Сhild theme installation during Demo content import
- IMPROVED: Versions import popup
- IMPROVED: XStore icons fonts
- FIXED: Share buttons with single product builder
- FIXED: Saving of advanced theme settings for the menu
- FIXED: JS error in console at the shop page
- FIXED: Limit for the cart/wishlist dropdown items
- FIXED: Page menu items on first set up
- FIXED: WPBakery CSS module
- FIXED: Biography page layout with Dokan plugin
- FIXED: Social widget links
- FIXED: Thumbnails lighbox on click with Elementor
- FIXED: Canvases with bordered layout
- FIXED: Sale label position in quick view
- FIXED: Text domains
- FIXED: Sidebars import errors
- FIXED: Brand filter
- FIXED: Post tabs widget
- FIXED: Plugins setup
- REMOVED: Setup wizard
- REMOVED: Hide empty brands from brand filter
- REMOVED: Soundcloud shortcode
- REMOVED: Theme support post-format audio
Latest version 6.3 / Core plugin 2.3
April 02, 2020- ADDED: Full compatibility with Elementor page builder
- ADDED: XStore Elementor elements (Products, Brands Carousel, Blog Carousel, Banner with mask, Slider etc )
- ADDED: New version - Agricultural
- ADDED: Compatibility with WordPress 5.4
- ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.0.1
- ADDED: Off-canvas type for account header builder element
- ADDED: Content type on mobile for account header builder element
- ADDED: Off-Canvas Position for account header builder element
- ADDED: Off-canvas type for cart header builder element
- ADDED: Content type on mobile for cart header builder element
- ADDED: Off-Canvas Position for cart header builder element
- ADDED: Off-canvas type for wishlist header builder element
- ADDED: Content type on mobile for wishlist header builder element
- ADDED: Off-Canvas Position for wishlist header builder element
- ADDED: Compare element of the single product builder (YITH Compare plugin should be enabled)
- ADDED: Option to enable/disable advanced options for the menu
- ADDED: Ajax remove button for wishlist dropdown
- ADDED: Transparent color scheme for the Products element
- ADDED: Compatibility with Conditional Discounts for WooCommerce (by ORION) plugin
- ADDED: Telegram option (Social links element)
- ADDED: Instagram "Sort by" option for hashtag
- IMPROVED: Mobile search close by click
- IMPROVED: Compatibility with Dokan plugin
- IMPROVED: Version setup wizard
- FIXED: Icon box element while used in the mega menu on desktop and mobile
- FIXED: VC Brands Carousel (slider autoplay)
- FIXED: Compatibility of the Static Blocks with Elementor
- FIXED: Font-size of the post in the Blog carousel element
- FIXED: Custom-fonts for the page builder elements
- FIXED: Warnings from related products
- FIXED: Social icons align option
- FIXED: Multiple headers with HTML extra codes
- FIXED: Removing of all multiple headers if error occurred
- FIXED: Removing the connection block
- FIXED: System requirement on frontend
- FIXED: Multiple conditions at the post with WPML
- FIXED: Wishlist loader in content product
- FIXED: Fancy button border-radius settings
- FIXED: Fatal error with connection block element in header builder
- FIXED: Broken grid on product category page
- FIXED: Instagram in footer area
- FIXED: Cart popup broken structure after adding to cart using variation swatches on grid
- FIXED: Menu item links for import
- FIXED: Fixed footer with boxed layout
- FIXED: Wishlist page on mobile
- FIXED: Loader on shop with Ajax pagination and Ajax filter
- FIXED: WooCommerce plugin setup error
- FIXED: Instagram refresh button
- FIXED: Lookbook image slider
Version 6.2.13 / Core plugin 2.2.3
March 12, 2020- ADDED: New version - Organic cosmetics
- ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 4.0
- ADDED: Responsive sizes for WPBakery 8theme elements (font-size, line-height, letter-spacing)
- ADDED: Option to choose the custom menu for the Mobile menu Extra Tab
- ADDED: Extra Tab Title for the mobile menu
- ADDED: Button settings for slider item of 8theme Slider element
- ADDED: Wishlist added to the list of WPBakery elements
- ADDED: Images preloader option
- ADDED: Text transform setting for the buttons
- IMPROVED: WPBakery field types ( image-select, button-set )
- IMPROVED: Content product style output for the WPBakery grid builder
- IMPROVED: Images lazy loading at Dokan plugin Dashboard
- IMPROVED: Translations
- FIXED: Design CSS module for row_inner
- FIXED: Options type, color scheme of the 8theme Look element
- FIXED: Warnings with WPBakery grid builder for product content
- FIXED: Open by click for mega menu with header builder
- FIXED: Sale label text with lazy loading of 8theme Products element
- FIXED: Sale/Out of stock labels with WPBakery grid builder
- FIXED: WPML for header conditions
- FIXED: Displaying of system requirement warnings in popup
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
Version 6.2.12 / Core plugin 2.2.2
February 26, 2020- ADDED: Variation gallery module (option)
- ADDED: Bordered buttons styles
- ADDED: Background color (active) for single product builder tabs
- ADDED: Title text-transform setting for Icon-box element
- ADDED: Button only on hover (option) in banner element
- ADDED: xstore\templates\footer\prefooter.php
- ADDED: xstore\templates\footer\footer.php
- ADDED: xstore\templates\footer\copyrights.php
- ADDED: etheme_prefooter - action : hooked (etheme_prefooter_content - 10)
- ADDED: etheme_footer - action : hooked (etheme_footer_content - 10, etheme_copyrights_content - 20)
- ADDED: Activation agree notice in XStore Dashboard
- FIXED: Byline option for a single post page
- FIXED: Empty connection block (header-builder)
- FIXED: Header import after header import (header-builder)
- FIXED: scroll-text-item (Undefined variable: el_class in et-core-plugin\app\controllers\shortcodes\scroll-text-item.php on line 39)
- UPDATED: Theme footer
- IMPROVED: Countdown element
- IMPROVED: Banner element
- IMPROVED: Blog carousel element
- IMPROVED: Blog timeline element
- IMPROVED: Blog element
- IMPROVED: Brands element
- IMPROVED: Blog list element
- IMPROVED: Product categories lists element
- IMPROVED: Product categories element
- IMPROVED: Instagram element
- IMPROVED: Testimonials widget element
- IMPROVED: The look element
Version 6.2.11 / Core plugin 2.2.1
February 20, 2020- ADDED: "Additional Custom Block" and "Description" elements for the Single product builder
- ADDED: "Input Background Color" option for Search element of the Header builder
- ADDED: "Reinit" button (XStore Dashboard > Instagram API) to refresh Instagram images after changing of the number of images to show
- FIXED: Loading of more than 33 Instagram images by username
- FIXED: Multiple conditions for all products / all posts (Header builder > Multiple Headers > Singular > All products / All posts)
- FIXED: Image carousel with lquip or lazy type of image loading
- FIXED: Brands in sidebar location (single product builder)
- FIXED: Frontend editing of the static block
- FIXED: HTML blocks for multiple headers
- FIXED: Single page import button if WPBakery and Elementor are active
- FIXED: Menu images import
- FIXED: Plugins in demo version importer (when activation and update are both needed)
- FIXED: Sticky sidebar jumps on scroll by one move to top
Version 6.2.10 / Core plugin 2.2.0
February 11, 2020- ADDED: Page Importer for WPBakery
- ADDED: Hide navigation option for some elements
- ADDED: Hide featured image option for Blog WPBakery elements
- ADDED: Row/Columns responsive CSS box model ( you can enable it in the Theme Options > General > WPBakery Responsive CSS Box-Module)
- ADDED: Transform options for rows and columns
- ADDED: Align options (desktop/mobile) for column
- ADDED: Header banner widget area position in header builder is enabled (Theme Option > Header builder > Widgets)
- ADDED: Box shadow options for WPBakery row, column, section
- ADDED: Sorting option for product meta single product builder elements
- ADDED: Search by portfolio in header search element and search results page
- IMPROVED: Return to previous page for single product builder breadcrumbs element
- FIXED: Portfolio category breadcrumbs inherits portfolio page option instead of the blog page
- FIXED: Body classes on portfolio page with WPML plugin
- FIXED: Catalog mode for grouped products
- FIXED: Default fonts on multiple templates
- FIXED: Poppins font for WPBakery elements
Version 6.2.9 / Core plugin 2.1.3
January 29, 2020- ADDED: New version - Eco transport
- ADDED: Single product builder > Add to cart & quantity -> Direction (Column/Row)
- ADDED: Single product builder > Section settings > Text color option
- FIXED: Custom font import if font file already exists
- FIXED: Default fonts on multiple templates
- FIXED: Blog categories for Gallery and Video Post types
- FIXED: Twitter widget warnings
Version / Core plugin 2.1.2
January 22, 2020- ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.9.0
- FIXED: Instagram images number when used WPBakery element and widget at the same page
- FIXED: No-Follow Rel for Button element (header builder)
- FIXED: Sale text before the discount percent for simple products
Version 6.2.8 / Core plugin 2.1.1
January 21, 2020- ADDED: Style options for sections - background, border, boxed model (Single product builder)
- FIXED: Custom font for multiple headers (header builder)
- FIXED: Build product button of the single product builder
- FIXED: Mobile menu overlap with sticky header enabled
- FIXED: Product meta alignments
- FIXED: Hide submenu option for menu element
- FIXED: Special offer element
- FIXED: Fixed right align for banner content
- FIXED: Icon Box default values
- FIXED: Warnings if Social sharing is disabled in global settings but still enabled in the Single product settings.
Version 6.2.7 / Core plugin 2.1.0
January 14, 2020- ADDED: Spacing, paddings, border radius, borders for Icon Box WPBakery element
- ADDED: Fancy Button WPBakery element
- ADDED: Text effect, Image effects, Hide title/subtitle/description on mobile, Hide title on mobile, Hide title on mobile options for the Banner with Mask WPBakery element
- ADDED: Blog align for Blog list, Blog timeline, Blog WPBakery elements
- ADDED: Posts layout option (List/Chess) for Blog list/chess WPBakery element
- ADDED: Images type (squared/original) for Instagram WPBakeryelement
- ADDED: Layout (Element/Widget) for Instagram WPBakery element
- ADDED: Images size for Instagram widget
- IMPROVED: Inline CSS/JS code of WPBakery shortcodes
- IMPROVED: Coding for all 8theme WPBakery elements
- IMPROVED: Layout of 8theme WPBakery elements in popup
- FIXED: Google fonts for multiple headers
- FIXED: Blog and Shop multi headers
- FIXED: Portfolio element broken structure
- FIXED: Cookie notice if user closed it
- FIXED: Menu list / Menu list items styles options
Version 6.2.6 / Core plugin 2.0.0
January 06, 2020- ADDED: Custom SVG icon option for sizing guide element in single product builder
- ADDED: Custom SVG icon option for mobile menu header builder element
- FIXED: LQIP/lazy image loading for portfolio page/ portfolio WPBakery element
- FIXED: Lazy image loading for single product zoom image
- FIXED: LQIP/lazy image loading for single product zoom image if single product builder is disabled
- FIXED: Broken product images with lazy loading of the product images
- FIXED: Filter Products by Attribute widget if Display type is Dropdown and Ajax filters is enabled
- FIXED: Portfolio masonry and lightbox reinit after Ajax filters/pagination, columns number after Ajax filter/pagination
- FIXED: Portfolio WPBakery 8theme element filters
- FIXED: Brands list 8theme element filters
- FIXED: Timers on single product with dark styles
- FIXED: Featured posts widget on blog page (broken columns)
- FIXED: Masonry option of the Blog WPBakery element
- FIXED: WPBakery 8theme element with slider - hide pagination only for ... option
- FIXED: Multiple header for blog page
- FIXED: Multiple header for shop page
- FIXED: Out of stock label color
- FIXED: SKU Ajax search with search using partial SKU
Version 6.2.5 / Core plugin 1.5.5
December 12, 2019- ADDED: Font-family option for header builder button element
- ADDED: Compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Wishlist v3.0.2
- IMPROVED: Performance of header builder logo element
- IMPROVED: Performance of header builder contacts element
- IMPROVED: Performance of header builder top/main/bottom header element
- IMPROVED: Performance of header builder all departments element
- IMPROVED: Performance of header builder menu element
- IMPROVED: Performance of header builder secondary menu element
- IMPROVED: Performance of header builder account element
- IMPROVED: Performance of header builder mobile menu element
- IMPROVED: Performance of header builder wishlist element
- IMPROVED: Performance of header builder search element
- IMPROVED: Performance of header builder cart element
- IMPROVED: Performance of header widgets element
- IMRPOVED: Header builder previewer
- IMRPOVED: Single product builder sale label
- IMRPOVED: Performance of single product builder title element
- IMRPOVED: Performance of single product builder price element
- IMRPOVED: Performance of single product builder reviews element
- IMRPOVED: Performance of single product builder short description element
- IMRPOVED: Performance of single product builder button element
- IMRPOVED: Performance of single product builder Sizing guide element
- IMRPOVED: Performance of single product builder add to cart element
- IMRPOVED: Performance of single product builder wishlist element
- IMRPOVED: Performance of single product builder product meta element
- IMRPOVED: Performance of single product builder sharing element
- IMRPOVED: Performance of single product builder custom HTML element
- FIXED: HTML blocks with static blocks refresh
- FIXED: 8theme - Filter Products by Price widget for the shop page if it is marked as front page
- FIXED: LQIP if plugin is disabled
- FIXED: Search by pages if WooCommerce plugin is disabled
- UPDATED: Image Loading Type option add (lazy/default options)
- REMOVED: etheme_load_template()
Version 6.2.4 / Core plugin 1.5.4
December 5, 2019- ADDED: Frontend notice for theme version
- ADDED: Frontend notice for plugin version
- ADDED: Removed Ajax error related to Lazy loading of the images
- ADDED: Speed Optimization -> Image Loading Type option > LQIP type
- ADDED: Theme update with Envato Market WordPress Plugin
- ADDED: Theme update with Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades
- IMPROVED: Performance of the header builder elements (display changes without full page reloading)
- IMPROVED: Performance of Logo element
- IMPROVED: Performance of Top header section
- IMPROVED: Performance of Main header section
- IMPROVED: Performance of Bottom header section
- IMPROVED: Performance of Header overlap option
- IMPROVED: Performance of Main menu element
- IMPROVED: Performance of Secondary menu element
- IMPROVED: Performance of All departments element
- IMPROVED: Performance of Cart element
- IMPROVED: Performance of Wishlist element
- IMPROVED: Performance of Account element
- IMPROVED: Performance of Socials element
- IMPROVED: Performance of Contacts element
- IMPROVED: Performance of Button element
- IMPROVED: Performance of HTML blocks element
- IMPROVED: Performance of Breadcrumbs Text Color
- IMPROVED: Performance of Footer text color scheme
- IMPROVED: Performance of Footer/Back to top button
- IMPROVED: 404 page
- FIXED: Empty socials shortcode
- FIXED: Removed Ajax error related to Lazy loading
- FIXED: Disabling image zoom on single product
Version 6.2.3 / Core plugin 1.5.3
November 27, 2019- ADDED: New version - Eco scooter
- ADDED: Show/hide arrows option for 1-level menu items with drop-downs (header builder)
- ADDED: Stock colors option
- ADDED: Product attributes import
- ADDED: Product variations import
- IMPROVED: Additional plugin installation in the setup wizard
- FIXED: Page banner option with WPBakery stretch content option
- FIXED: Page banner option for shop page
- FIXED: Menu import (menu setup for multiple headers)
- FIXED: Import of the Menu item image
- FIXED: 8theme price filter with TAX
- FIXED: 8theme price filter (disappearing when no product found)
Version 6.2.2 / Core plugin 1.5.2
November 21, 2019- ADDED: Option to use custom banner above breadcrumbs for page/post
- ADDED: Size guide size proportion option (single product builder)
- ADDED: Wishlist size proportion option (single product builder)
- IMPROVED: Global style performance
- IMPROVED: Title with text WPBakery 8theme element (responsive font-sizes)
- IMPROVED: Plugins installation
- FIXED: Import sliders for demos when version includes more than 1 slider in the page content
- FIXED: Import of menus for some versions
- FIXED: Brands filter
- FIXED: Header search input width in FF
- FIXED: Sale percentage calculation
- FIXED: Size guide image from single product page options
Version 6.2.1 / Core plugin 1.5.1
November 12, 2019- ADDED: Paragraph line-height option
- ADDED: Product tabs scroll option for the single product builder
- ADDED: "Product added notification" option
- ADDED: Fixed "Added To Cart Message" option
- ADDED: Show sale percentage for variable products option
- ADDED: Widget type for related/upsell products (single product builder)
- ADDED: Custom fonts import
- IMPROVED: Plugin installation from demo version setup popup
- IMPROVED: Import of the dummy version installation
- FIXED: Default value of custom tab of the single product builder
- FIXED: "Open dropdown only on arrow click" option for menu element of header builder
- FIXED: Product title in breadcrumbs (single product builder)
- FIXED: Multiple headers if the single product builder is not active
- FIXED: Widgets import
- FIXED: Version import by parts
Latest version 6.2 / Core plugin 1.5
November 6, 2019- ADDED: Single product builder
- ADDED: Multiple templates option for the single product builder
- ADDED: New version - Niche market
- ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.8
- ADDED: Percentage sale label for variable products (Best offer WPBakery element)
- IMPROVED: Import of the demo content
- IMPROVED: Login popup in header builder
- IMPROVED: 8theme products widget navigation
- FIXED: Widgets translation (core plugin)
- FIXED: Shortcodes support for the mini cart footer content (header builder)
- FIXED: Navigation of the Main product gallery slider on the single product page if the product gallery has only one image
- FIXED: Removed arrows for sliders when all items are visible
- FIXED: Arrows for the first level of the menu items
- FIXED: Jumping of the site content while adding to cart on mobile devices
- FIXED: Cart, wishlist notification after adding to cart/wishlist
- FIXED: Header logo image jumping with enabled lazy loading option of the cache plugins
- FIXED: Breadcrumbs colors at the single product page
- FIXED: Lazy loading of the images in sliders for some extra classes
- FIXED: Menu WPBakery element item hover
Version 6.1.5 / Core plugin 1.4.5
October 25, 2019- ADDED: Option to import headers from different versions without installing all the content (68 demo headers)
- ADDED: Import/Export Header templates
- ADDED: RTL version with default design
- ADDED: RTL for header builder (only frontend)
- ADDED: Footer widgets toggle on mobile (new option)
- ADDED: Footer widgets toggle action on mobile (new option)
- ADDED: One page menu option in mobile menu (new option)
- IMPROVED: Content typography for headings
- IMPROVED: Testimonials slider (default limit value - 20)
- IMPROVED: Mega menu styles for header builder (border inside columns)
- IMPROVED: Menu labels CSS (header builder)
- FIXED: Display of the shortcodes in the content of the promo text header builder element
- FIXED: Login popup with FaceBook login button (header builder)
- FIXED: Safari colors of mobile search, menu dropdowns items and labels
- FIXED: Testimonials slider with the grid (broken columns)
- FIXED: Arrows at parent menu items (header builder menus)
- FIXED: Error after removing conditions for the multiple headers
- FIXED: Product Categories double arrows at mobile menu (if categories accordion option turned on for shop)
- FIXED: Close mobile menu popup/off-canvas content for one-page mobile menu (Core plugin)
- FIXED: Show brands option on the single product page
- FIXED: Missing product title for the single product layout Default and global - Booking
- FIXED: Flashing and disappearing content on scroll (Safari browser)
- FIXED: Extra class issue for the heading element
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
- REMOVED: xstore/woocommerce/single-product/short-description.php (made via filter)
- REMOVED: xstore/woocomerce/global/quantity-input.php (made via filter)
- REMOVED: xstore/woocommerce/single-product/sale-flash.php (made via filter)
- REMOVED: xstore/woocommerce/loop/sale-flash.php (made via filter)
- REMOVED: xstore/woocommerce/single-product/tabs/additional-information.php (made via filter)
- REMOVED: xstore/woocommerce/single-product/tabs/description.php (made via filter)
- REMOVED: woocommerce_show_page_title filter in breadcrumbs
Version 6.1.4 / Core plugin 1.4.4
October 16, 2019- ADDED: Multiple headers (beta)
- ADDED: Quantity background-size for cart element (header builder)
- ADDED: Quantity background-size for wishlist element (header builder)
- ADDED: Quantity label positions for cart element (header builder)
- ADDED: Quantity label positions for wishlist element (header builder)
- ADDED: Close forever option for newsletter element (header builder)
- ADDED: Newsletter popup width and height (header builder)
- ADDED: Custom icon SVG option for cart element (header builder)
- ADDED: Custom icon SVG option for wishlist element (header builder)
- ADDED: Custom icon SVG option for account element (header builder)
- ADDED: One-page menu for main menu element (header builder)
- ADDED: One-page menu for secondary menu element (header builder)
- IMPROVED: WooCommerce alerts, notices, after added to cart messages on single product
- FIXED: Product Stock line and Sale counter Products 8theme WPBakery element
- FIXED: Notice on search results archive page without header builder
- FIXED: Testimonials slider with one column and slider+grid type (core plugin)
- FIXED: Mobile menu typography font-weight on the frontend (header builder)
- FIXED: Sticky header only for mobile
- FIXED: Promo text in connection block
- FIXED: Promo text stop on mouseover (header builder)
- FIXED: Promo text close action if this element used for desktop and mobile header (header builder)
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
Latest version 6.1.4 / Core plugin 1.4.4
October 16, 2019- ADDED: Multiple headers (beta)
- ADDED: Quantity background-size for cart element (header builder)
- ADDED: Quantity background-size for wishlist element (header builder)
- ADDED: Quantity label positions for cart element (header builder)
- ADDED: Quantity label positions for wishlist element (header builder)
- ADDED: Close forever option for newsletter element (header builder)
- ADDED: Newsletter popup width and height (header builder)
- ADDED: Custom icon SVG option for cart element (header builder)
- ADDED: Custom icon SVG option for wishlist element (header builder)
- ADDED: Custom icon SVG option for account element (header builder)
- ADDED: One-page menu for main menu element (header builder)
- ADDED: One-page menu for secondary menu element (header builder)
- IMPROVED: WooCommerce alerts, notices, after added to cart messages on single product
- FIXED: Product Stock line and Sale counter Products 8theme WPBakery element
- FIXED: Notice on search results archive page without header builder
- FIXED: Testimonials slider with one column and slider+grid type (core plugin)
- FIXED: Mobile menu typography font-weight on the frontend (header builder)
- FIXED: Sticky header only for mobile
- FIXED: Promo text in connection block
- FIXED: Promo text stop on mouseover (header builder)
- FIXED: Promo text close action if this element used for desktop and mobile header (header builder)
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
Version 6.1.3 / Core plugin 1.4.3
October 9, 2019- ADDED: Button hover background, button hover color (header builder)
- ADDED: Separator type for contacts element (header builder)
- ADDED: Separator for elements at connection block (header builder)
- ADDED: Separator type for menu & secondary menu (header builder)
- ADDED: Computed box for mobile menu icon for mobile mode (header builder)
- ADDED: Min charts to start AJAX searching (header builder)
- ADDED: Search results sorting (header builder)
- ADDED: Search results page (header builder)
- ADDED: WPML config file for XStore Core plugin
- IMPROVED: Sidebar position for search page (header builder)
- IMPROVED: Ajax search for header builder
- FIXED: Mega menu dropdown positions in menu (header builder)
- FIXED: CSS for shop filter sidebar
- FIXED: Portfolio page
- FIXED: Newsletter mouse out type on mobile
- FIXED: Scrollbar in customizer preview + increased the width of mobile screen in customizer preview
- FIXED: Post + subcategories menu dropdown position
- FIXED: One page menu scroll behavior (using header builder)
- FIXED: Align mobile menu items with labels and drop-downs (header builder)
- FIXED: Undefined variable JS error in customizer
Version 6.1.2 / Core plugin 1.4.2
October 2, 2019- ADDED: New version - Home decor
- ADDED: Open/close toggle for the footer widgets on mobile (only if created with simple widgets, not for static block element)
- ADDED: Search Results Page Sidebar option (Theme Options > Header > Search)
- ADDED: Off-canvas sticky shop sidebar for mobile devices (Theme Options > WooCommerce > Shop > Layout )
- ADDED: Show category on blog (Theme Options > Blog > Blog layout)
- ADDED: Mobile content font-family option (header builder)
- ADDED: Header vertical (header builder)
- ADDED: Mobile menu icon border radius (header builder)
- ADDED: Blog banner position and blog banner content (Theme Options > Blog > Blog layout)
- ADDED: rel="noopener" links attribute
- FIXED: Product hover image with Ajax loading
- FIXED: Masonry on blog with 2 columns layout
- FIXED: Wishlist element of the mobile menu (header builder)
- FIXED: Default values of menu drop-downs, wishlist quantity (header builder)
- FIXED: Portfolio page with WPML
- FIXED: Alt for logo image
- FIXED: JS errors on the single product page when the "first tab closed" option is enabled
Version 6.1.1 / Core plugin 1.4.1
September 26, 2019- ADDED: New version - Minimalist Outfits
- ADDED: Ajax search in mobile menu / Improved for desktop and mobile view (core plugin)
- ADDED: Mobile menu type fullwidth (core plugin)
- ADDED: Header overlap option (Header builder -> Header sticky) (core plugin)
- ADDED: Menu link to header builder at the XStore admin bar section and menu leftbar (core plugin)
- ADDED: Promo text element for the mobile header (core plugin)
- ADDED: Mobile header presets (core plugin)
- IMPROVED: Min required PHP version is 7.0
- FIXED: Checkout column clearfix
- FIXED: Menu dropdown styles
- FIXED: Scale on mobile devices for inputs
- FIXED: Minor CSS fixes
- FIXED: All departments drop-down on hover option (header builder element) if child theme is enabled
- FIXED: Variation swatches for WooCommerce product WPBakery element
- FIXED: Account element colors (core plugin)
- FIXED: Logo align in mobile menu (core plugin)
- FIXED: Header button element alignment (core plugin)
- FIXED: Cart, wishlist, account and style type (core plugin)
- FIXED: All department click for the sticky header (core plugin)
- FIXED: Fatal error when disabling Kirki Customizer plugin (core plugin)
Version 6.1 / Core plugin 1.4
September 18, 2019- ADDED: Header builder
- FIXED: Instagram warning (core plugin)
- FIXED: Featured post/Recent posts notices (core plugin)
- FIXED: Portfollio page filter for Full Width Portfolio page
- FIXED: Revolution slider button with link aligment
Version 6.0.2 / Core plugin 1.3.2
September 11, 2019- ADDED: New version Language courses
- IMPROVED: WPBakery Icon Box element - added "On click action" option
- IMPROVED: WPBakery Brands List element - added "brand image size" option
- FIXED: Filter option of the WPBakery Brands List element
- FIXED: WPBakery Title with text element (divider designs)
- FIXED: Custom fonts
- FIXED: JS/CSS version parameters
Version 6.0.1 / Core plugin 1.3.1
September 6, 2019- ADDED: New version Fashion
- ADDED: Compatibility with Dynamic Menu Pro plugin
- FIXED: Adding swathes(square) product attributes on single product page
- FIXED: Hover of the menu subitems for the Header vertical type
- FIXED: 360 view in single product
- FIXED: Buttons color options
- FIXED: Product categories search in WPBakery Products element (XStore core)
Version 6.0 / Core plugin 1.3
September 04, 2019- ADDED: Live theme options (quick edit elements, customizer styling CSS)
- ADDED: Migration option from old theme options (Redux Framework) to the new one
- ADDED: Instagram Feed for XStore Dashboard panel
- IMPROVED: Main theme and child theme screenshots
- IMPROVED: Speed optimization
- IMPROVED: Custom fonts moved from theme options to XStore dashboard panel
- IMPROVED: Mobile menu closing (cursor looks like close icon)
- IMPROVED: XStore dashboard title as image
- FIXED: Instagram widget and Instagram WPBakery element
- FIXED: Compatibility with WooCommerce PayPal Checkout Payment Gateway
- FIXED: Adding of additional products in Products WPBakery elements (Core plugin)
- FIXED: Minor CSS
- REMOVED: inc/widgets/wp-instagram-widget.php (Core plugin)
- REMOVED: Redux framework plugin
Version 5.6 / Core plugin 1.2.7
August 21, 2019- ADDED: Yellow Pencil Pro plugin
- FIXED: Swap hover effect for the upsell products if variation swatches option is enabled
- FIXED: Add to cart button for the quick view if catalog mode is enabled
- FIXED: Catalog mode for the WPBakery Products element if the lazy loading for the element is enabled
Version 5.5.2 / Core plugin 1.2.6
August 13, 2019- ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.7.0
Version 5.5.1
August 7, 2019- FIXED: Warning for the related products if Redux plugin is disabled
- FIXED: Minor CSS issue
Version 5.5 / Core plugin 1.2.5
August 6, 2019- ADDED: New version Artmaxy
- FIXED: Excerpt length for real excerpt of post
- FIXED: Popup delay when scrolled to the bottom of the page
- FIXED: Reinit of the sliders in tabs
- FIXED: Full-width product design of the Products WPBakery element
- FIXED: http to https for state URLs (Core plugin)
Version 5.4.1 / Core plugin 1.2.4
July 16, 2019- ADDED: Quform - WordPress Form Builder to bundled plugins list
- ADDED: Excerpt length option for the post sliders
- IMPROVED: CSS styles to show WC marketplace plugin info for the products on grid
- FIXED: Compatibility of the portfolio page with Polylang plugin
- FIXED: Brand filter widget (products count)
- FIXED: Menu items border in fixed header
- FIXED: Accordion tabs type (scroll to tab)
- FIXED: CSS for VC tabs with panels
- UPDATED: Swiper slider to latest version
- FIXED: WPBakery Best offer element ("In stock" position)(Core plugin)
- FIXED: Force update for out of stock products if "Hide out of stock items from the catalog" option is enabled (Core plugin)
- FIXED: Import and update of few home pages from setup wizard (Core plugin)
- IMPROVED: [8THEME] Products VC element - Products per view option for Load more (Core plugin)
Version 5.4 / Core plugin 1.2.3
June 26, 2019- ADDED: New version - Lingerie
- ADDED: etheme_page_config filter with 1 param (array)
- ADDED: Portfolio option to choose what categories to show in filer (all or parent categories only)
- ADDED: Min height for images in quick view
- IMPROVED: [8THEME] Products VC element - add product by SKU
- IMPROVED: [8THEME] Banner with mask - added Banner image min size option
- FIXED: Portfolio page with multi languages
- FIXED: Logout link in the My account drop-down menu
- FIXED: Social WhatsUp icon on the single post when desktop
- FIXED: Disable custom prefooter/footer option for page
- FIXED: Product content of the custom template in slider
- FIXED: 8theme - Filter Products by Brands dropdown mode
- FIXED: Swatches filter
- FIXED: Display portfolio category description
- FIXED: Recent posts widget autoplay option (XStore core plugin)
Version 5.3.1
May 28, 2019- IMPROVED: Compatibility with Dokan plugin
Version 5.3 / Core plugin 1.2.2
May 21, 2019- ADDED: Compatibility with WP 5.2.1
- ADDED: Compatibility with WC 3.6.3
- ADDED: New version - Baby Land 01
- ADDED: Newsletter popup in Theme Options if WC plugin is disabled
- FIXED: Single Product layout (Fixed type)
- FIXED: jQuery script_depends
- FIXED: Warning in menu list VC element
- FIXED: PHP Warning: Illegal string offset "id" in footer
- FIXED: Google fonts API
- FIXED: Stock count for WPBakery Products element if slider type is on
- FIXED: Translation of the comments string
- FIXED: Dark version styles
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
- FIXED: Variation swatches for nonexistent variations (Core plugin)
Version 5.2 / Core plugin 1.2.1
April 12, 2019- ADDED: Compatibility with WC 3.6
- ADDED: New version - Organic 02
- ADDED: Blog hover type - None
- ADDED: [8THEME] Blog List WPBakery element Limit option and improved pagination (added Ajax)
- ADDED: [8THEME] Blog Timeline WPBakery element Limit option and improved pagination (added Ajax)
- ADDED: [8THEME] Blog WPBakery element Limit option and improved pagination (added Ajax)
- FIXED: Images carousel WPBakery element (slides on mobile, tablet)
- FIXED: Double image in the enlarge lightbox on the single product page if the product does not have gallery
- FIXED: Stop on hover option of the Instagram slider element
- FIXED: Scroll items on sliders
- FIXED: Facebook Sign In/Sign up in the header popup
- FIXED: Sidebar on shop taxonomy pages
- FIXED: Comments section of the portfolio projects
- FIXED: Timer start date (single product)
- FIXED: Clear for categories on shop
- FIXED: Product hovers when WC marketplace plugin is enabled
- FIXED: CSS styles of the Stripe payment method on the checkout page if Subscriptio - WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin is enabled
- FIXED: Minor CSS styles
- REMOVED: Google plus from follow & share shortcodes, team member 8theme WPBakery element, theme options for product sharing
- ADDED: et_reinit_instagram get query (Core plugin)
- ADDED: Plugin compatibility check (Core plugin)
February 14, 2019- FIXED: Notices if Redux is not installed or theme is not activated
- FIXED: Mega menu styling issue
- FIXED: Fixed product type
Version 5.1.6 / Core plugin 1.2
February 8, 2019- FIXED: [8theme] Social links WPBakery element and widget (Fatal error)
- FIXED: [8theme] Instagram WPBakery element and widget (Fatal error)
- FIXED: [8theme] Brands List WPBakery element if brands ids are selected
- FIXED: [8theme] Brands List WPBakery element error if brands are disabled
- FIXED: Custom order of the attributes in 8theme swatches filter widget
- FIXED: Swathes error on order page
- FIXED: Swatches attribute name in quick view
- FIXED: 8theme tabs WPBakery element on mobile
- FIXED: Double images for the full-width layouts of the single post.
- FIXED: Product images size (IE11)
- FIXED: Icon position for the Menu item WPBakery element
- FIXED: Reviews pagination on the single product
- REMOVED: Autocomplete for the popup login form
- IMPROVED: Tranlation
Version 5.1.5 / Core plugin 1.1.9
January 17, 2019- ADDED: New version - Organic 01
- ADDED: et_single_overwrite_select_swatches filter
- FIXED: Swatches filter on product brand page
- FIXED: Brand filter on product brand page
- FIXED: Swatches with numeric names
- FIXED: Auto-height of thumbnails slider on single product
- FIXED: Testimonials grid element
- FIXED: Closed widgets toggle on mobile when the Ajax pagination option is enabled
- FIXED: Arrows on single product slider (incorrect removing when thumbnails slider contains less items then per view)
- FIXED: Compatibility with WooCommerce Additional Variation plugin
Version 5.1.4 / Core plugin 1.1.8
December 29, 2018- ADDED: Guttenberg compatibility (projects, testimonials, static blocks)
- ADDED: Portfolio WPBakery element
- ADDED: Recent projects WPBakery element
- ADDED: Option to close shop widgets toggle on mobile only
- ADDED: Option to disable swatches on the shop page only
- IMPROVED: Best offer WPBakery element (option to choose product variation)
- FIXED: Compatibility with wpsl_stores post type and backstretch.js file on single post
- FIXED: Sale label of products if view mode is not chosen
- FIXED: Translation for the menu label in WPBakery 8Theme Menu list element and in menu options
- FIXED: Content position for RTL version if the stretch row is enabled
- FIXED: Portfolio images re-init
- FIXED: Images carousel WPBakery element DOM structure
- FIXED: Swatches filter widget on the product category page
- FIXED: Products WPBakery element (products from a few categories, featured products from the category)
- FIXED: Fixed header if the one-page navigation is enabled
- FIXED: Show sale counter option (Products WPBakery element)
Version 5.1.3
November 29, 2018- ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.5.2
Version 5.1.2 / Core plugin 1.1.7
November 28, 2018- ADDED: “Stop autoplay on mouseover” option for WPBakery 8theme elements (Products, Brands carousel, Product categories, Product categories lists, Custom carousel)
- ADDED: Disable image option for 8theme WPBakery Best Offer element
- IMPROVED: Theme Options > Single product page > Product gallery slider show on mobile option
- FIXED: Jumping page when window visible area has products element
- FIXED: Best offer WPBakery 8Theme element
- FIXED: Variation swatches display term name if label field is empty (XStore Core plugin)
- FIXED: Brand thumbnail after saving (XStore Core plugin)
- FIXED: Recently viewed products in 8theme Product element when WooCommerce Recently widget is disabled
- FIXED: Products masonry when shop page is front page
- FIXED: Grid/list mode on brand page
- FIXED: My account and Wishlist pages, Cart, Checkout breadcrumbs inherit custom Theme Options
- FIXED: Quick view product ID as the parameter
- FIXED: Full-width mega menu in the fixed header
- FIXED: Disabled arrows in slider if all slides are shown at once
- FIXED: Menu links style options
- FIXED: Bug with Products element when selected type of products
- FIXED: Search in fixed header
- FIXED: Tabs for mobile
- FIXED: Theme deactivation
Version 5.1.1 / Core plugin 1.1.5
October 25, 2018- ADDED: Promo popup in mobile menu option ( Theme Option -> Header -> Mobile Header )
- ADDED: Short description option (On/Off) for the Quick View
- FIXED: Compatibility with WC 3.5: variation images size on the single product page
- FIXED: Lazy loading option of the Products WPBakery element in tabs
- FIXED: Image size option for the Best Offer element
- FIXED: Custom logo on the page for the fixed header
- FIXED: White screen after adding the product to compare
- FIXED: Secondary menu darkening option with Secondary menu visibility on hover
- FIXED: Related posts slider (disabled auto-height) and Up-sell products slider
- FIXED: Brands carousel if there is no any brand created
- FIXED: Menu item dropdown height with the static block inside
- TWEAK: Added “simple-hover” class in CSS for the menu item in case users want to use the scratch row in subitem of menu
- FIXED: Swatches reset on shop page (XStore Core plugin update)
Version 5.1 / Core plugin 1.1.4
October 17, 2018- ADDED: WooCommerce 3.5.0 compatibility
- ADDED: New version - Electron 01
- ADDED: New version - Electron 02
- ADDED: Ajax product filters option
- ADDED: Ajax product pagination option
- ADDED: 8theme - Filter Products by Price widget
- ADDED: 8theme - Active Product Filters widget
- ADDED: “Special breadcrumbs on the cart, checkout and order page” option ( Theme Options -> Breadcrumbs )
- ADDED: Background repeat option in 8theme slider item WPBakery element
- ADDED: Hover type option for the 8theme Product categories list WPBakery element
- ADDED: Icons library option for the menu item
- ADDED: Display type “Simple” for the 8theme Countdown WPBakery element
- ADDED: Display type “Advanced” and Limit products option for the 8theme “Best offer” WPBakery element
- ADDED: Design tab for 8theme Social links WPBakery element
- FIXED: Brand filter on product category page
- FIXED: Sold individually product option
- FIXED: Product hover effect in 8theme “Best offer” WPBakery element
- FIXED: Sale label for products displayed by 8Theme Products WPBakery element
- FIXED: Header bottom margin with zero value
- FIXED: Header center2 - sign in, wishlist, cart positions in top-bar
- FIXED: Fixed header container width < 992
- FIXED: Open menu from the fixed header when hamburger header is selected
- FIXED: Best offer element image effects
- FIXED: Variations image with swap product hover effect on the grid
- FIXED: Blog element with list view
- FIXED: Lazy loading for the products by category for the 8theme Products WPBakery element
- FIXED: Appearing of the menu sublist
- FIXED: Fonts loader with https (httpss - issue)
- FIXED: Height of the related products slider on single product page
- FIXED: Ajax search when WC is disabled
- FIXED: WordPress Gallery Plugin – NextGEN Gallery compatibility
- FIXED: Minor CSS fixes
- FIXED: SKU for variable products in the quick view popup (XStore core plugin)
Version 5.0.3 / Core plugin 1.1.3
October 3, 2018- UPDATED: Brand filter widget (multiple choices)
- FIXED: Setup Wizard
- FIXED: Default version preview URL
- FIXED: Custom fonts uploader for the multisite environment
- FIXED: Ajax error witch swatches when the XStore Core plugin is disabled
- FIXED: Remove query strings from theme static resources option
- FIXED: Font uploader with SSL
- FIXED: Compare table styling
- FIXED: Header center2 and header hamburger on the mobile device
- FIXED: Item mega menu sublist position in the fixed header
- FIXED: Left product tabs on mobile devices
- FIXED: Light product hover effect
- FIXED: XStore icons cache
- FIXED: Facebook login button on the WooCommerce my account page
- FIXED: Text align for the 8theme title with text WPBakery element
- FIXED: Slider auto-height option for the featured product image slider was restored
- FIXED: CSS issues of the dark version
- FIXED: RTL CSS issues
- FIXED: Et-look element
- FIXED: Cart banner content with WPML plugin
- FIXED: Data-caption for single product main slider
- FIXED: Single product booking design with grouped product type (CSS styling)
- FIXED: Sidebar widgets with scroll option
- FIXED: Mobile submenus in Safari from iPhone 6+
- FIXED: Header WooCommerce login form
- FIXED: Footer color scheme of some widgets
- FIXED: Number of the wishlist products in the header drop-down can be set from option "Number of products in mini cart"
- FIXED: Child theme (enqueue the parent and child theme stylesheets)
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
- FIXED: Fatal error of the XStore Core plugin if the 4.x theme is enabled with the 1.1.x version of XStore Core plugin
- REMOVED: Envato Market plugin from plugin loaded
Version 5.0.2 / Core plugin 1.1.2
September 25, 2018- FIXED: etheme_menu_link() when current menu location is empty
- FIXED: Correct escaping of dynamic data
- FIXED: Categories select from the header search for all header types except advanced
- FIXED: Search by post/product categories on advanced header type
- FIXED: RTL Theme Options
- FIXED: RTL XStore Dashboard
- FIXED: Blog timeline element (columns width)
- FIXED: Sublist of mega menu position in the fixed header
- IMPROVED: Products per page option
- REMOVED: etheme_rate_redirect() - function
- REMOVED: Using of $_SERVER['SCRIPT-FILENAME'] from theme
- REMOVED: support-panel.php file from the XStore core plugin
- REMOVED: xstore/woocommerce/content-product-booking.php file
Version 5.0.1 beta / Core plugin 1.1.1
September 20, 2018- ADDED: Variation Swatches Theme Options
- ADDED: Logo in mobile menu option (Theme Options -> Header -> Mobile header)
- ADDED: Logo image (Theme Options -> Header -> Mobile header)
- UPDATED: 8theme - About Author widget (new image loader)
- FIXED: Style enquiring process
- FIXED: Flickr widget title
- FIXED: Swatches filter when no attributes exist
- FIXED: Switching between square/circle type of swatches
- FIXED: Single product image popup if only one image uploaded to the gallery
- FIXED: Single product image if only featured image and video uploaded for product
- FIXED: System requirements (OpenSSL version) when curl or curl_version() is deactivated
- FIXED: Secondary menu links border width
- FIXED: Masonry for product categories
- FIXED: Related product "Add to cart" button on single out of stock product
- FIXED: Blog masonry
- FIXED: Products with parent product image
- FIXED: DOM elements notices (duplicated IDs)
- FIXED: Support chat in Theme Options
- FIXED: Correct escaping of the dynamic data
- FIXED: Blog timeline element (columns width)
- FIXED: Mega menu full-width option with the static block inside
- FIXED: Translation for remove work on the cart page
- FIXED: Enqueueing of child CSS file in the correct position after theme options CSS file
- FIXED: Cart total
- FIXED: Primary category on the single product
- FIXED: Mobile menu color options
- FIXED: RTL styles
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
- REMOVED: Background color for mobile title & search area option (Theme Options -> Menu -> Menu styling -> Mobile menu links )
- REMOVED: Third-party domains from theme files
- REMOVED: Semantic errors with e(), _(), n(), x() constructions
- REMOVED: Using of the "htmlspecialchars_decode" function
- REMOVED: Using of the "file_put_contents" - function
- REMOVED: Using of the "mkdir" - function
- MOVED: All the Widgets moved to XStore core plugin
- ADDED: All the widgets of the XStore theme (XStore Core plugin)
- FIXED: Compatibility with other our themes - etheme_static_block(), etheme_follow_shortcode() (XStore Core plugin)
Version 5.0 beta - Major update / Core plugin 1.1
August 28, 2018- ADDED: New versions "Marseille01" "Marseille02"
- ADDED: Variation Swatches
- ADDED: Variation Swatches Theme Options
- ADDED: 8theme - Swatches filter widget
- ADDED: [8THEME] NEW Slider WPBakery element instead of Revolution slider
- ADDED: Navigation options (infinite loading and load more button) for "[8THEME] Products" WPBakery element
- ADDED: Autoscrolling text and autoscrolling text item WPBakery elements
- ADDED: "Lazy loading" option for "[8THEME] Banner with mask" WPBakery element
- ADDED: "Lazy loading" option for "[8THEME] Products" WPBakery element
- ADDED: "Lazy loading" option for "[8THEME] Instagram" WPBakery element
- ADDED: "Lazy loading" option for "Instagram" widget images
- ADDED: Slider arrows for the instagram element if slider variant is chosen
- ADDED: "Lazy loading" option for "[8THEME] Instagram" WPBakery element
- ADDED: On/Off Masonry scripts option (Theme Options-> Speed Optimisation)
- ADDED: On/Off Old browser support option (Theme Options-> Speed Optimisation)
- ADDED: On/Off Optimise fronted CSS option (Theme Options-> Speed Optimisation)
- ADDED: On/Off FontAwesome support / option (Theme Options-> Speed Optimisation)
- ADDED: On/Off Menu cache option (Theme Options-> Speed Optimisation)
- ADDED: On/Off Static Blocks cache option (Theme Options-> Speed Optimisation)
- ADDED: On/Off Remove query strings from theme static resources option (Theme Options-> Speed Optimisation)
- ADDED: Disable emoji new option (Theme Options-> Speed Optimisation)
- ADDED: Choose the portfolio page option (Theme Options-> Portfolio)
- ADDED: Header banner widget area
- ADDED: Header banner position option (8Theme Options -> Header -> Header Layout)
- ADDED: Single product content elements for the WPBakery grid builder
- ADDED: Login popup for login link
- ADDED: "My account in mobile menu" option (Header -> Mobile Header)
- ADDED: Hover effect option for the Best Offer WPBakery element
- ADDED: Sale price time start/time end options for the single product
- ADDED: Filled bag icon type for the shopping cart icons
- ADDED: Quick view dimensions option (Theme Options -> Shop elements -> Quick view)
- ADDED: Star rating color option (Shop -> Products style -> Star rating color)
- ADDED: Loaders for the removing product from mini cart, adding to compare, adding to wishlist, adding to cart, woocommerce updating shipping methods
- ADDED: Secondary title color option (Theme Options -> Typography -> Secondary menu)
- ADDED: Secondary title background color option (Theme Options -> Menu -> Menu styling -> Secondary menu links)
- ADDED: Number of products in mini cart option (Theme Options -> Header layout)
- ADDED: Navigation on cart, checkout, order total pages
- ADDED: Option to enable scroll for the sidebar widgets for the shop page (Theme Options -> Shop -> Shop page layout)
- ADDED: Sidebar widgets height option (Theme Options -> Shop -> Shop page layout)
- ADDED: Sidebar widgets toggle option (Theme Options -> Shop -> Shop page layout)
- ADDED: Title for the static block widget
- ADDED: "Zoom out" design type for 8theme Banner WPBakery element
- ADDED: Option to add extra class for the title and subtitle of the 8theme Banner WPBakery element
- ADDED: Sidebar position option for the single post
- ADDED: Sidebar position option for the product category page
- ADDED: Products per row option on the product category page
- ADDED: Show sidebar only on blog page option
- ADDED: Letter spacing option (Theme Options -> Typography)
- ADDED: XStore Dashboard
- ADDED: Search by theme option
- ADDED: System Requirements list
- ADDED: etheme_before_breadcrumbs() action
- ADDED: etheme_after_breadcrumbs() action
- ADDED: et_before_shop_loop_title() action
- ADDED: et_after_shop_loop_title() action
- ADDED: et_quick_view_swatch() action
- ADDED: etheme_slider() function
- ADDED: etheme_menu_link() function
- ADDED: etheme_menu() function
- ADDED: etheme_nav_menu() function
- ADDED: etheme_static_block() function
- ADDED: et_custom_query() function
- ADDED: etheme_the_post_field() function
- IMPROVED: Search element position in the menu (Theme Options -> Header -> Search)
- IMRROVED: Tabs on the single product page (speed and type of animation)
- IMPROVED: Photoswipe js enquires only on single product when 'lightbox for product images’ option is 'On'
- IMPROVED: Backstretch js enquires only on single post when single post layout is "full width" or "full width center"
- IMPROVED: Excerpt length (words) option will hide excerpt and description if it is set to 0
- IMPROVED: Wishlist and cart pop-ups are hidden when they are empty
- IMPROVED: Fixed menu animation when you scroll down
- IMPROVED: Single product content
- IMPROVED: Sidebar spacing, sidebar elements spacing, sidebar elements font-size
- IMPROVED: Lightbox for the product images option (now it works by click at the image)
- IMPROVED: MailChimp form styles, added custom classes
- IMPROVED: Thank you page styles
- FIXED: Greed/list mode
- FIXED: PayPal in mini cart of the fixed header
- FIXED: Product Categories element - custom colors option
- FIXED: Compatibility with WooCommerce Product Filter plugin
- FIXED: Responsive slides per view for the Image carousel elements
- FIXED: 8theme WPBakery carousel elements with loop in inner row
- FIXED: Header vertical type - colors
- FIXED: Category page description position inherit from shop option Shop Page Banner position
- FIXED: Scroll for widgets in the Shop filter area
- FIXED: Grouped type of product on different layouts
- FIXED: Swap product image hover effect with png images and with images with different size
- FIXED: Tab content height option
- FIXED: Product content effects
- FIXED: Hover color scheme
- FIXED: Fixed layout of the single product (bug with content scroll)
- FIXED: Breadcrumbs options
- FIXED: Site preloader and Preloader image work separately
- FIXED: Styles and paginations of the Dokan sidebar elements
- FIXED: Sale label text color and Sale label background color
- FIXED: Product link on wishlst page (when just catalog mode is enabled)
- FIXED: Product categories widget "open by default" option
- UPDATED: All loaders replaced by the new one
- UPDATED: Theme Options UI/UX
- UPDADED: etheme_logo() function
- UPDADED: etheme_top_links() function
- UPDADED: etheme_post_thumb() function
- UPDADED: etheme_comments() function
- UPDADED: etheme_count_posts() function
- UPDADED: etheme_breadcrumbs() function
- UPDADED: etheme_photoswipe_template() function
- UPDADED: etheme_add_links_to_menu() function
- UPDADED: etheme_shop_navbar() function
- UPDADED: etheme_product_cats() function
- UPDADED: etheme_get_single_product_class() function
- UPDADED: etheme_products_per_page_select() function
- UPDADED: etheme_get_view_mode() function
- UPDADED: etheme_view_mode_action() function
- MOVED: etheme_bordered_layout (theme-functions.php) -> (template-elements.php)
- MOVED: etheme_photoswipe_template (theme-functions.php) -> (template-elements.php)
- MOVED: single_product_multiple_vendor_class(theme-functions.php) -> (template-elements.php)
- MOVED: etheme_the_post_video (theme-functions.php) ->(template-elements.php)
- MOVED: etheme_the_post_audio (theme-functions.php) ->(template-elements.php)
- MOVED: etheme_the_post_quote (theme-functions.php) ->(template-elements.php)
- MOVED: etheme_get_primary_category (theme-functions.php) ->(template-elements.php)
- MOVED: et_hex_to_rgba (template-elements.php) -> (theme-functions.php)
- MOVED: etheme_product_brand_image (framework\woo\brands.php) -> (woo.php)
- REMOVED: Breadcrumbs size option in Theme Options -> Breadcrumbs
- REMOVED: 'Product categories widget title color’ and 'Product categories widget title background color’ options in Theme Options -> Categories
- REMOVED: 'Underline color’ option from Theme Options -> Menu -> Menu styling (Main menu links, Fixed menu links)
- REMOVED: Simple header type
- REMOVED: Header center (search position will change center3 to two row and back, enabling top bar will change center3 to center header type)
- REMOVED: Header two rows (search position will change center3 to two row and back, enabling top bar will change center3 to center header type)
- REMOVED: Colorfull icons option in 8Theme Social links WPBakery element and 8theme Social links widget
- REMOVED: less folder from theme archive
- REMOVED: etheme_page_background() function
- REMOVED: etheme_get_header_type() function
- REMOVED: etheme_get_header_color() function
- REMOVED: etheme_get_tb_color() function
- REMOVED: etheme_show_sign_link() function
- REMOVED: etheme_get_links() function
- REMOVED: etheme_get_post_template() function
- REMOVED: etheme_get_cols() function
- REMOVED: etheme_excerpt() function
- REMOVED: etheme_swiper_lazy_preloader() function
- REMOVED: etheme_set_item() function
- REMOVED: etheme_activation_bar() function
- REMOVED: etheme_activation_bar_out() function
- REMOVED: etheme_tpl2id() function
- REMOVED: etheme_the_post_video() function
- REMOVED: etheme_the_post_audio() function
- REMOVED: etheme_the_post_quote() function
- REMOVED: etheme_create_slider_widget() function
- REMOVED: etheme_create_slider() function
- REMOVED: etheme_create_posts_slider() function
- REMOVED: etheme_get_the_title() function
- REMOVED: etheme_menu_account_link() function
- REMOVED: etheme_menu_search() function
- REMOVED: etheme_search_form_return() function
- REMOVED: etheme_get_mobile_menu() function
- REMOVED: etheme_get_main_menu_right() function
- REMOVED: etheme_get_main_menu() function
- REMOVED: etheme_my_account_title() function
- REMOVED: etheme_email_btn() function
- REMOVED: etheme_get_products_per_page() function
- REMOVED: ehemet_products_per_page_action() function
- REMOVED: etheme_set_customer_session() function
- REMOVED: etheme_shop_page_link() function
- REMOVED: etheme_maybe_set_wishlist_cookies() function
- REMOVED: etheme_set_wishlist_cookies() function
- REMOVED: etheme_init() function
- REMOVED: etheme_show_block() function
- REMOVED: etheme_get_block() function
- REMOVED: etheme_brand_fileds() function
- REMOVED: etheme_edit_brand_fields() function
- REMOVED: etheme_brands_fields_save() function
- REMOVED: etheme_brand_admin_scripts() function
- REMOVED: dummy_content extension for redux framework - dummy_content / folder
- REMOVED: framework\woo\brands.php
- REMOVED: js/cookie.js
- REMOVED: js/flexibility.js
- REMOVED: js/imagesLoaded.js
- REMOVED: js/jquery.magnific-popup.js
- REMOVED: js/jquery.sticky-kit.js
- REMOVED: js/photoswipe-ui-default.js
- REMOVED: js/photoswipe.js
- REMOVED: js/swiper.js
- REMOVED: js/waypoints.min.js
Version 4.28.1
August 8, 2018- FIXED: PHP 7.x compatibility
- FIXED: Portfolio project for some pages when portfolio post type is disabled
- FIXED: Minor CSS issues
Version 4.28
July 3, 2018- ADDED: New version "Cryptocurrency"
- UPDATED: Included plugins
- FIXED: 8Theme Options -> General -> Layout -> Site width Option
- FIXED: 8Theme Options -> Blog & Portfolio -> Blog Layout -> Navigation type
- FIXED: Minor CSS issues
Version 4.27
June 16, 2018- ADDED: Consent checkbox for comments (GDPR)
- ADDED: Snapchat for [8THEME] Social links VC element and 8theme - Social links widget
- ADDED: Option to show/hide product categories on the single product page (8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Single Product Page)
- FIXED: Breadcrumbs for PHP 7+
- FIXED: Upload front option for the for multisite
- FIXED: About author widget image uploader
- FIXED: Cart for Smart menu
- FIXED: Number of slides per view option
- FIXED: [8theme] Products (filter by category shows all products if category is empty)
- FIXED: Unicode chars for '%' symbol
- FIXED: 8Theme Options -> Styling -> Navigation -> Main menu links -> Paddings option if Smart menu is enabled
- FIXED: Minor CSS issues
- IMPROVED: Google fonts moved to theme folder (GDPR)
Version 4.26
May 24, 2018- ADDED: New version - Designers
- ADDED: Compatibility with WordPRess 4.9.6
- ADDED: Compatibility with WC 3.4
- ADDED: GDPR ready
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
- DELETED: xstore/woocommerce/global/quantity-input.php file
Version update 4.25
April 18, 2018- ADDED: New version - Cleaning
- ADDED: New Coming Soon page - Coming Yellow
- ADDED: Options to disable hover effect for separate products.
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
Version 4.24
April 12, 2018- ADDED: New version - Baby shop
- ADDED: "Title chars limit" option in 8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Product Page Layout
- FIXED: Dropdown menu background color option
- FIXED: My account icon in fixed header
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
- REMOVED: Option "Show number of cart items on favicon"
Version 4.23.1
April 4, 2018- FIXED: Fatal error: Class 'Redux' not found
Version 4.23
April 3, 2018- ADDED: New version - Car wash
- FIXED: Hide sidebar on mobile for single product option (back from past)
- ADDED: "Close first tab by default" option in 8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Single product page
Version 4.22.1
March 30, 2018- FIXED: Show product name above the price option
- FIXED: Brands list element
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
- FIXED: Background positions for 2-3 menu item levels
Version 4.22, XStore Core plugin 1.0.23
March 28, 2018- ADDED: New version - Delivery
- ADDED: “Background position” option in Row and Column settings
- FIXED: Custom CSS and options for the multisite
- FIXED: 8theme Products element issue
- FIXED: Slider interval for custom carousel, categories carousel
- ADDED: “Sidebar position for mobile” option (8Theme Options -> Blog & Portfolio -> Blog Layout)
- ADDED: Product Page Banner position ( “Above all shop content” and “Above all shop content (full width)” options)
- ADDED: “Sign In link position” option (8Theme Options -> General-> Header Settings)
- ADDED: “Sign In type” option (8Theme Options -> General-> Header Settings)
- ADDED: “Custom text for sign in” option (8Theme Options -> General-> Header Settings)
- ADDED: Compatibility with Dokan plugin
- ADDED: [8THEME] Products of category VC element
- FIXED: Ajax search
- FIXED: Instagram widget and VC element
- FIXED: Filters on the shop, categories pages ( hide filters when only categories without products display on the shop page )
- FIXED: CSS fixes
- FIXED: Custom CSS and options for the multisite after demo content import (XStore Core plugin update)
Version 4.21.1
March 6, 2018- FIXED: 8theme Products VC element issue.
Version 4.21
March 2, 2018- ADDED: New version - Photographer
- ADDED: Grid view for the Related products (8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Single Product Page -> Related Products Type)
- ADDED: Columns number for the related products grid type
- ADDED: Option “Columns reverse” for mobile devices in row settings
- ADDED: Different background position for the fixed background option (row/column settings)
- ADDED: “Mega menu full width” option (8Theme Options -> General -> Header settings)
- ADDED: “Mega menu container width” option in menu settings
- ADDED: “Menu item open by click” option in menu settings
- ADDED: Brand location for the single product (8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Single Product Page)
- ADDED: Option to show “Brand” word before brand image
- FIXED: Ajax search by description
- FIXED: Carousel initialization when autoplay option for tabs is enabled
- FIXED: Undefined variable: args in theme-functions.php
- FIXED: CSS styles minify in generated CSS file
- FIXED: Header paddings in minified file
Version 4.20, XStore Core plugin 1.0.22
February 23, 2018- ADDED: Inline styles generated by Theme Options (settings and custom CSS) moved to special file options-style.min.css
- ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 3.3.3
- FIXED: Product images sizes
- FIXED: Pagination on the shop page after the filter by attribute
- REMOVED: Duplicated secondary menu links option (Typography -> Secondary Navigation)
Version 4.19, XStore Core plugin 1.0.21
February 16, 2018- ADDED: New version - X-Phone
- ADDED: Menu List 8theme VC element
- ADDED: Menu List item 8Theme VC element (update xstore core plugin)
- ADDED: Option to use Static block for the 1st menu item level to display it as the mega menu
- ADDED: Option “Top bar background opacity” (8Theme Options -> General -> Header Settings)
- ADDED: Option “Menu background color” for Header center and Advanced header types (8Theme Options -> Styling -> Navigation)
- ADDED: Header background opacity (8Theme Options -> General -> Header Settings)
- ADDED: Fixed header background opacity (8Theme Options -> General -> Header Settings)
- ADDED: Styling of secondary menu links (8Theme Options -> Styling -> Navigation)
- ADDED: Typography for secondary menu links (8Theme Options -> Typography -> Navigation)
- ADDED: Mobile header text color (8Theme Options -> General -> Mobile Header Settings)
- ADDED: Mobile header background (8Theme Options -> General -> Mobile Header Settings)
- FIXED: Blog pagination on mobile
- FIXED: Icon box element
- FIXED: 8Theme VC Products element (columns option with WooCommerce 3.3.1)
- FIXED: One page navigation with hamburger header type
- FIXED: Returning customer toggle
- FIXED: Products per page after navigation to the next page
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
- REMOVED: Products per row option from Theme Options. Use the WooCommerce option in customizer
- REMOVED: woocommerce/loop/pagination.php (replaced by filter)
- ADDED: Menu list element (XStore Core plugin)
- ADDED: Menu list item element (XStore Core plugin)
Version 4.18
February 07, 2018- ADDED: New version - Caramel
- ADDED: WooCommerce 3.3.1 compatibility
- ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce Waitlist plugin
- FIXED: QR code HTTP/HTTPS issue
- FIXED: Masonry for products page if to show products and categories or categories only
- FIXED: Double title in breadcrumbs on single product for the "Left inline" breadcrumbs type
- FIXED: Clear and return to default image in slider for variable product
- FIXED: Promo popup shadow visibility when popup background is transparent
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs (blog pagination on mobile, disable navigation label menu option on mobile, hide quantity buttons when product is sold individually, buttons line-height)
- FIXED: Saving of the menu
Version 4.17
January 27, 2018- ADDED: New version - Plumbing
- ADDED: Loop option for [8theme] VC elements with carousels (Blog, Brands, Categories list, Categories, Products, Instagram)
- ADDED: Option “Simple list” for the [8theme] Menu VC element
- ADDED: Popup padding option (8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Promo Popup)
- ADDED: Related products per view option (8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Single product)
- FIXED: Fatal error: Call to undefined function is_product()
- FIXED: TWC Theme Extension Plugin compatibility
- FIXED: Slider parameters for the [8Theme] Instagram VC element
- FIXED: Menu option “Disable titles”
- FIXED: Translations for custom metaboxes on page, category and brands
- FIXED: Mobile menu closing on toggle
- FIXED: CSS styles of the 8Theme Menu widget
Version 4.16.1
January 20, 2018- ADDED: Option “Popup delay” in 8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Promo Popup
- IMPROVED: 8Theme VC element ‘Brand list’ ( image wrapped in a link )
- IMPROVED : Promo popup scroll
- FIXED: Saving of Custom links in the menu
Version 4.16, XSTORE CORE PLUGIN 1.0.20
January 19, 2018- ADDED: 6 new Coming Soon pages: X coming Great things are coming Merry Christmas is coming Space coming Modern X coming We are coming soon
- ADDED: “Custom text color”, “Custom background color” option for the Product categories WC widget (8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Categories)
- ADDED: Vertical slider for gallery thumbnails option (8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Single Product Page)
- ADDED: Option “Number of slides per view” option (8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Single Product Page)
- ADDED: Ajax saving for the menu items
- ADDED: Option to hide menu item for all/unlogged/logged in users
- ADDED: Right widget area for the Vetrical2 header type
- ADDED: Scroll for the Promo Popup content if the content is longer than height from Theme Options
- ADDED: Static Block shortcode column
- IMPROVED: [8Theme] Menu VC element - styles and added subitem position selector.
- IMPROVED: 8theme menu options moved into popup
- IMPROVED: "8theme - Brands list" widget - added “All brands" button
- IMPROVED: [8theme] brands list VC element - added 5, 6 columns to grid
- FIXED: [8theme] brands list VC element: fixed title issue, fixed ID issue
- FIXED: Testimonials compatibility with PHP v 7.2.0
- FIXED: "8theme brands list" VC element compatibility with PHP v 7.2.0
- FIXED: "8themes brand list" widget compatibility with PHP v 7.2.0
- FIXED: "8themes brand list" widget "Select a brand" button
- FIXED: “8theme - Twitter” widget with PHP v 7.2.0
- FIXED: Bug when closing mobile menu and approximately click on any link located out of the menu
- FIXED: Header padding option for the advanced header type
- FIXED: Symbols length on post navigation
- FIXED: Menu type of the 8Theme product categories VC element (error when adding categories IDs and parent ID)
- FIXED: Auto-height for the images on single product sliders and on quick view popup slider
- FIXED: "Custom tab", "Additional custom block", "Custom Tab Title", "Tags" translations
- FIXED: Sidebar position for the product attributes archive page
- FIXED: Login form on my account page when search is disabled
- FIXED: Breadcrumbs issue of the Left inline type for the child pages
- FIXED: Double search ID
- FIXED: CSS issues
Version 4.15.1
January 16, 2018- FIXED: FIXED: Instagram widget and VC element (images issue)
Version 4.15
December 12, 2017- ADDED: New version - Furniture 2
- FIXED: Compatibility with YITH Product Add-on plugin
- FIXED: Delete option for the custom sidebars
- FIXED: Cookie Notice plugin position
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
Version 4.14.1
December 8, 2017- ADDED: Option “Product categories widget title color” in 8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Categories
- ADDED: Option “Product categories widget title background color” in 8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Categories
- FIXED: Menu VC element (image styles)
- FIXED: Compatibility with PHP 5.3
Version 4.14
December 6, 2017- ADDED: New version - Interior
- ADDED: Option for custom header on page
- ADDED: Option “Fixed menu links” in 8Theme Options -> Styling -> Navigation
- ADDED: Options “Fixed menu links colors” and “Fixed menu links colors on hover” in 8Theme Options -> Typography -> Navigation
- FIXED: Comments count on list type of blog
- FIXED: 6 products grid on tablets
- FIXED: Option “without space” for grid in 8Theme Product Categories VC element
- FIXED: RTL version of Advanced header type
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
Version 4.13, XStore Core plugin 1.0.19
November 17, 2017- ADDED: New version - Burger
- ADDED: Option for buttons colors “Customize buttons” 8THEME Options -> Styling -> Content
- ADDED: Option for buttons colors on hover state “Customize buttons on hover state” 8THEME Options -> Styling -> Content
- ADDED: Option for menu links colors “Main menu links” 8THEME Options -> Styling -> Navigation
- ADDED: Option for dropdown colors “Dropdown options” 8THEME Options -> Styling -> Navigation
- ADDED: Option for mobile menu links colors “Mobile menu links” 8THEME Options -> Styling -> Navigation
- ADDED: Option for menu levels colors on hover and active 8THEME Options -> Typography -> Navigation
- ADDED: Option for mobile customization “Customize mobile menu links” 8THEME Options -> Typography -> Navigation
- FIXED: Theme Options styles for RTL
- FIXED: SKU search for variations
- FIXED: SKU search for different database prefix
- FIXED: WPML Ajax search issue
- FIXED: XStore Core plugin translation
Version 4.12
November 8, 2017- ADDED: New version - Mobile Apps
- ADDED: Option "Show first category item by default" ( 8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Shop )
- ADDED: Option "Smart Menu" ( 8Theme -> General -> Header settings )
- ADDED: Option "Show zero number of cart items on label" ( 8Theme -> General -> Header settings )
- FIXED: YITH Wishlist premium plugin compatibility (wishlist mini popup for non-logged in users)
- FIXED: Update notice for the XStore core plugin
Version 4.11
November 2, 2017- ADDED: New version - Spa
- ADDED: Option “Header transparent” for page ( Page -> [8theme] Layout options )
- ADDED: Parent Theme Template option for setup wizard
- ADDED: Hide out of stock products option for [8THEME] Products VC element
- ADDED: Compatibility with "YITH WooCommerce Wishlist Premium" plugin
- FIXED: “Compare”, “Add to wishlist” texts
- FIXED: Up-sells products issue
- FIXED: "8theme - Social links" widget
- FIXED: 8theme Portfolio permalinks option
- FIXED: XStore core plugin fatal error
- FIXED: Mobile menu
- FIXED: Color scheme for the header elements
- FIXED: Position of the icon label on responsive
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
- IMPROVED: Theme deactivation
Version 4.10
October 18, 2017- ADDED: New version - Pizza
- ADDED: 8theme brand permalinks option
- FIXED: Massive Addons plugin animations
- FIXED: #reviews link scroll to reviews section
- FIXED: Sticky header offset on mobile devices
- FIXED: Minor CSS issues
Version 4.9
October 13, 2017- ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce v. 3.2
- ADDED: Smart fixed header option (fixed header appears only when you scroll up)
- ADDED: Color for cart number label option
- IMPROVED: Compatibility with WPML ( translations for Visual Composer elements )
- FIXED: Single product Reviews tab ( scroll to review when you post review )
- FIXED: Sticky sidebar when sidebar height is changed
- FIXED: 8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Single Product Page -> Page Layout -> Large
- FIXED: Menu for tablet landscape devices ( double tap )
- FIXED: Minor CSS changes
Version 4.8
October 10, 2017- ADDED: New version - Typography
- Compatibility with WPML plugin (Visual Composer elements translation)
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
Version 4.7.1
October 4, 2017- FIXED: Autoplay for the Upsells and Cros-Sells product sliders
- FIXED: Missing glyphicons halflings font
- FIXED: Search results
- FIXED: Search input color of the dark version
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
Version 4.7
September 21, 2017- ADDED: New version - Games
- IMPROVED: Header type Vertical and Vertical2 (close the menu by click out of the menu area)
- FIXED: [8THEME] Autoplay option for Blog carousel VC element
- FIXED: [8THEME] Autoplay option for Products VC element
- FIXED: Single product page autoscroll
- FIXED: Compatibility with "WooCommerce Quantity Increment" plugin
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
Version 4.6
September 16, 2017- ADDED: New version - Business
- ADDED: Product Page Banner position. 8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Shop -> Product Page Banner
- FIXED: Sku searh database request error
- FIXED: [8THEME] Blog carousel VC element (bug: video resize)
- FIXED: Logo url (incorect link when WPML enabled)
- FIXED: Category description padding
- FIXED: Newsletter popup for mobile menu
- FIXED: Custom background color single page/post option
- FIXED: Custom background image single page/post option
- FIXED: Mobile links width 100%
Version 4.5
September 07, 2017- ADDED: New version - Barbershop
- ADDED: “WooCommerce is needed” notice for [8theme] ( Product categories, Product categories lists, Brands carousel, Brands List, Products ) VC elements
- IMPROVED: Catalog mode for variable product (show variations)
- FIXED: Product category description when products page is a full-width
- FIXED: Double price for booking product type
- FIXED: Up-sells product slider on single product page
- FIXED: Header center issue when choose cart in top bar area for cart disables but the area for search is still there and logo is not centered
Version 4.4
August 30, 2017- ADDED: New version - Cocktails
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
Version 4.3
August 24, 2017- ADDED: New version - Shoes
- FIXED: Single product page tabs
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
Version 4.2
August 17, 2017- ADDED: New version - Freelance
- FIXED: Swap hover effect
- FIXED: Fixed product type
- FIXED: Bullets for images slider on Quick View
- FIXED: CSS bugs
Version 4.1.1
August 09, 2017- FIXED: Product Gallery thumbnails slider
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
Version 4.1
August 08, 2017- ADDED: New version - Tea
- ADDED: Lazy Loading and Load more button for Blog ( 8Theme Options > Blog & Portfolio > Blog Layout > Navigation type )
- ADDED: Site width option (8Theme Options > General > Layout > Site width)
- ADDED: Global Size guide for all products (8Theme Options > E-Commerce > Single Product Page > Size guide image)
- ADDED: Form inputs border color option (8Theme Options > Styling > Content > Form inputs border color)
- FIXED: Image sizes for widgets and sliders
- FIXED: Bug with accordion tabs type on single product page
- FIXED: Ajax search double results
- FIXED: Double booking price/cart block for grid shop layout
- FIXED: Share icons for the quick view
- FIXED: [8THEME] Instagram VC element - autoplay option.
- FIXED: Blog carousel VC element. Posts template, Blog align options
- FIXED: CSS bugs
Version 4.0 - Major update
July 29, 2017- CHANGED: XStore icons font
- CHANGED: Replaced all the OWL carousels by Swiper Slider
- ADDED: Lazy Loading for the carousel images
- ADDED: New header type “Vertical 2" (Theme Options -> General -> Header -> Type Variant -> Vertical 2)
- ADDED: New product hover type “Light” (Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Products Page Layout -> Buttons hover -> Light)
- ADDED: Custom loader option (Theme Options -> General -> Layout -> Preloader image ( "Use the site preloader" option must be ON)
- ADDED: Display Title/Meta option on single post (Theme Options -> Blog & Portfolio -> Single post -> Display Title/Meta on single post)
- ADDED: Next/Previous portfolio navigation (Theme Options -> Blog & Portfolio ->Portfolio -> Show Next/Previous projects navigation)
- ADDED: Description length option for Quick View (Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Quick View -> Description length)
- ADDED: Custom fonts loader. 8Theme Options -> Typography -> Upload custom font
- ADDED: "Description after content" field for the product category page
- ADDED: Post Meta shortcode
- ADDED: “Top bar text color" option for the Single post/page layout settings
- ADDED: Post count for blog page
- ADDED: 8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Shop -> Sale Icon Text
- ADDED: 8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Shop -> Sale Icon Color
- ADDED: 8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Shop -> Sale Icon Background Color
- ADDED: 8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Shop -> Sale Icon Border Radius
- ADDED: 8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Shop -> Sale Icon Size
- ADDED: WC Marketplace plugin compatibility
- ADDED: Hide empty brands option for the Brands Carousel VC element
- ADDED: New Google fonts for VC elements
- IMPROVED: "Header custom HTML" enabled for Double menu header type
- IMPROVED: [8THEME] Products VC element ( added Order by price )
- IMPROVED: Theme archive size
- IMPROVED: 8themes Brands list widget ( Ajax redirect, show current brand for drop-down, removed empty title block when title isn't entered )
- IMPROVED: Custom menu widget the same view as Categories widget
- FIXED: [8theme] Brands carousel (order by name)
- FIXED: [8theme] Brands list ( A-Z filter charset )
- FIXED: Video resize for blog
- FIXED: Quantity label for single product
- FIXED: Video resize for the second tab on single product
- FIXED: Double H1 tag for the single product(when Show product name above the price option is enabled)
- FIXED: [8THEME] Blog List (pagination option)
- FIXED: Variation product ( select variation for the IOS mobile devices)
- FIXED: List View of Booking hover type
- FIXED: WPML compatibility (shop pagination)
- FIXED: Hamburger header type (hamburger menu for the fixed header)
- FIXED: Center 2 header type (uncentered menu when languages area is empty)
- FIXED: Show products toolbar on the shop page option ( bug: on brand archive page when current brand has child, and child has more than one product filters don't show )
- FIXED: CSS bugs
- REMOVED: theme/plugins folder from the package
- REMOVED: woocommerce/single-product/product-thumbnails.php file
Version 3.16.3
July 29, 2017- FIXED: Ajax search ( bug: show random result when search field is empty )
- FIXED: Ajax search ( Default WooCommerce placeholder issue)
- FIXED: Ajax search ( Different results than default search page displays)
- FIXED: View mode error when saving post/page with product shortcodes/VC elements/widget
- FIXED: WPML compatibility (shop pagination)
Version 3.16.2
June 30, 2017- ADDED: WordPress 4.8.x Ready
- ADDED: WooCommerce 3.1.1 Ready
- ADDED: New version - MakeUp
Version 3.16
June 15, 2017- ADDED: Import of Contact Us page (Wedding version)
- ADDED: Import of About Us page (Wedding version)
- ADDED: "Engagement, Trirong" google fonts for VC Headings element
- ADDED: Massonry On/Off Option for blog Layouts "Grid, Grid 2"
- FIXED: [8THEME] Brands list VC element A-Z filter (Masonry bug)
- FIXED: [8THEME] Products VC element( Add to cart button )
- FIXED: [8THEME] Blog carousel VC element Posts template (Grid 2) option
- FIXED: [8THEME] Blog carousel VC element (re-init for full-width rows)
- FIXED: [8THEME] The Look VC element when Banner image is double size
- FIXED: [8THEME] Brands list VC element (disable title option)
- FIXED: Etheme tabs inside Etheme tabs, Etheme accordion inside Etheme accordion for mobile devices
- FIXED: Compatibility with Smart product viewer plugin
- FIXED: Portfolio categories page
- FIXED: Fixed header for hamburger header type (bug when wishlist icon is disabled)
- FIXED: Video VC element in Accordion
- FIXED: CSS bugs
- FIXED: Brands list widget (Empty brands option if products are out of stock and hidden from catalog)
- UPDATED: Included plugins
Version 3.15
June 02, 2017- ADDED: New version - Books
- ADDED: New blog Layout “Grid2" (8Theme Options -> Blog & Portfolio -> Blog Layout -> Grid 2)
- IMPROVED: Grig/List view mode
- FIXED: Portfolio page for php version < 5.4.x
- FIXED: Brands List VC element description
- FIXED: Sliders reinitialization
- FIXED: Custom footer/prefooter for checkout page
- FIXED: 8theme tabs when used in product description tab
- FIXED: Images carousel VC element
- FIXED: CSS minor bugs
- FIXED: WC compatibility issues
- UPDATED: [8THEME] Social links VC element, 8theme - Social links widget (added tripadvisor link)
- UPDATED: Included plugins
Version 3.14
May 17, 2017- ADDED: New version - Underwear
- ADDED: "Enable prev/next pagination links option" (8Theme Options -> Blog & Portfolio -> Blog Layout -> Enable prev/next pagination link option)
- ADDED: "Excerpt symbols option" (8Theme Options -> Blog & Portfolio -> Blog Layout -> Excerpt symbols option)
- ADDED: "Cormorant Garamond, Niconne" google fonts for VC elements
- ADDED: Order options for the Brands carousel VC element
- FIXED: Breadcrumbs Typography options for the left inline breadcrumbs style
- FIXED: Compatibility with YITH WooCommerce Zoom Magnifier plugin
- FIXED: Massonry grid for shop page when it shows product categories
- FIXED: Bug of the default VC element for the WooCommerce products and Our Offers VC element
- FIXED: Search by SKU
- FIXED: CSS bug with rating and list mode in IE browser
- UPDATED: Menu for tablet landscape devices (double click )
- REMOVED: woocommerce/single-product/ ( product-image-magnifier.php, product-thumbnails-magnifier.php ) files
Version 3.13
May 11, 2017- ADDED: New version - Animals
- ADDED: Option to use the image for the first menu level
- ADDED: "Show product brands" option on the Shop page (8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Products Page Layout -> Show product brands)
- ADDED: Portfolio sort order options (8Theme Options -> Blog & Portfolio -> Portfolio)
- ADDED: Secondary Navigation typography options (8Theme Options -> Typography -> Secondary Navigation)
- FIXED: Search form for the center, center3, two-rows, advanced header types
- FIXED: Top cart widget ( variable product )
- FIXED: Ajax search
- FIXED: Header search form results
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
- UPDATED: Custom tabs displays even if woocommerce tabs are disabled
- UPDATED: Translation files
Version 3.12
April 25, 2017- ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce v3.0.4
- ADDED: Compatibility with Wordpress Version 4.7.4
- ADDED: New version - Concert
- ADDED: etheme_before_shop_navbar hook "do_action( 'etheme_before_shop_navbar' );"
- ADDED: etheme_after_shop_navbar hook "do_action( 'etheme_after_shop_navbar' );"
- ADDED: "Custom class" attribute for Button shortcode
- ADDED: FaceBook login on checkout page
- ADDED: Search by SKU
- ADDED: "Search by sku" option 8Theme Options -> General -> Header Settings -> Search by sku
- ADDED: [8theme] Brands List VC element (with A-Z filter)
- ADDED: "Show brand option" 8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Single Product Page -> Show brand
- ADDED: "Show brand image option" 8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Single Product Page -> Show brand image
- ADDED: "Show brand title" 8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Single Product Page -> Show brand title
- ADDED: "Show brand description" 8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Single Product Page -> Show brand description
- IMPROVED: 8themes brand list widget
- IMPOVED: Next/Previous product navigation (show only on stock products)
- IMPOVED: 8Theme Options -> Blog & Portfolio -> Blog Layout -> Show "Continue reading link" option (on/off) to (link/button/disable)
- IMPOVED: Portfolio breadcrumbs
- IMPOVED: 8Theme Options -> General -> Header Settings -> "Enable wishlist widget in header" (on/off) to 8Theme Options -> General -> Header Settings -> "Wishlist icon position" (Header/Top bar left/Top bar right/Disable) option
- IMPOVED: 8Theme Options -> General -> Header Settings -> "Enable search form in header" (on/off) to 8Theme Options -> General -> Header Settings -> "Enable search form in" (Header/Top bar left/Top bar right/Disable) option
- IMPOVED: 8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Shop -> "Enable cart widget in header" (on/off) to 8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Shop -> "Enable cart widget in" (Header/Top bar left/Top bar right/Disable) option
- IMPOVED: Activation
- FIXED: Masonry grid if shop page displays both categories and products
- FIXED: FaceBook login on My Account page
- FIXED: Fattal error on checkout
- FIXED: Products VC element
- FIXED: 8theme products widget
- FIXED: Double description for product brand page
- FIXED: Mobile menu ajax error ( nanoscroller )
- FIXED: Static block issue on 404 page
- FIXED: Design options for images carousel VC element
- FIXED: SoundCloud Shortcode
- FIXED: Compatibility with "WooCommerce Infinite Scroll and Ajax Pagination" plugin
- FIXED: Single product page structured data error
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
- UPDATED: Translation files
Version 3.11.1
April, 2017- ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce v3.0.1
- UPDATED: Translation files
Version 3.11
April 7, 2017- ADDED: New version - Minimal
- ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce v3.0
- ADDED: Option to ON/OFF WC zoom for product images ( 8Theme Options -> E-Commerce -> Single Product Page -> Zoom for product images )
- ADDED: Vertical header type ( 8Theme Options -> General -> Header -> Type Variant vertical )
- ADDED: Page content for portfolio page Template ( page content displays before portfolio elements )
- FIXED: "Fixed product image" when it is higher than content
- FIXED: Sticky sidebar for Blog, Shop pages
- FIXED: Ajax add to cart compatibility with WooCommerce Wholesale plugin
- FIXED: Product search for Polylang plugin
- FIXED: Back to top button for mobile devices
- FIXED: CSS bugs
- UPDATED: Translation files
Version 3.10.1
March 30, 2017- FIXED: Bug with sidebar position for the Shop page.
Version 3.10
March 28, 2017- ADDED: New version - Medical
- IMPROVED: [8THEME] Best offer VC element - Slider display type option
- IMPROVED: Next/Previous product navigation (show products only from the same category)
- FIXED: 8Theme Options layout
- FIXED: "Fixed product content" when it is higher than image
- FIXED: Sticky sidebar
- FIXED: version check issue (Warning: sprintf(): Too few arguments in version-check.php on line 155)
- FIXED: [8THEME] The Look VC element ( Narrow data source for custom taxonomies )
- FIXED: Portfolio category page breadcrumbs background
- FIXED: Typography options for "Menu first level" - Advanced type of header
- FIXED: [8THEME] Menu VC element ( PHP 7.1.1 compatibility )
- FIXED: Related posts for single post page
- FIXED: Product Image, Featured Image for pages when VC is disabled
- FIXED: CSS bugs
- UPDATED: VC plugin, Revolution Slider plugin
- UPDATED: Translation file
Version 3.9
March 4, 2017- ADDED: New version - Handmade
- ADDED: Subcategories limit option for [8theme] Product categories list VC element
- ADDED: SKU, tags, category for booking product type
- IMPROVED: [8THEME] Social links VC element, 8theme - Social links widget (added houzz link)
- FIXED: Mobile menu
- FIXED: [8THEME] Tabs VC element
- FIXED: Compatibility with "YITH WooCommerce Product Add-Ons Premium Plugin" (cart bug)
- FIXED: Minor CSS issues
- UPDATED: Translation file
Version 3.8.1
February 21, 2017- ADDED: HTML version archive (Default Variant)
- ADDED: Options for ajax search(search by post/products)
- FIXED: Ajax search category filter( Advanced header type )
- FIXED: Instagram widget
- FIXED: Share shortcode
- FIXED: Team member VC element (skype name)
- FIXED: Header background (image option)
- FIXED: Secondary menu (show options, classes only if 'Secondary menu on')
- FIXED: Next/Previous product navigation (does not show hidden product)
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
- IMPOVED: Activation
- IMPOVED: [8THEME] Best offer VC element (added image size option)
- IMPOVED: Products VC element (Product View options 'Buttons on hover:middle/bottom/right' )
- UPDATED: Translation file
Version 3.8
February 4, 2017- ADDED: New version - Flowers
- ADDED: New design of Timeline blog layout
- ADDED: New design of Products Hover effect
- IMPROVED: Slider settings of VC elements
- FIXED: Bug with Masonry Blog type and Video posts
- FIXED: Share buttons on wishlist page
Version 3.7
January 30, 2017- ADDED: New version - Lawyers
- ADDED: New header type - Hamburger Menu
- ADDED: Align options for the Team Member information
- ADDED: Option to disable Wishlist icon in header
- FIXED: Header Simple cart icon background problem
- FIXED: Team member email issue (mailto bug)
- FIXED: PHP 7 compatibility issue
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
Version 3.6
January 20, 2017- ADDED: New version - Marketing
- ADDED: New blog layout - With author images
- FIXED: Header background for the page
- FIXED: Order search error in Dashboard
- FIXED: Soundcloud shortcode
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
Version 3.5
January 14, 2017- ADDED: New version - Finances
- FIXED: Setup wizard
- FIXED: Versions import data
- FIXED: Minor CSS Bugs
Version 3.4
January 7, 2017- ADDED: New version - Corporate
- ADDED: New Header type
- OPTIMIZED: Theme images and JS files
- FIXED: Static Blocks visibility
- FIXED: Portfolio custom footer option
- FIXED: VC elements if post types disabled
- FIXED: Favicon update on cart remove or update
- FIXED: Minor CSS Bugs
Version 3.3
December 23, 2016- ADDED: New version - Gym
- ADDED: New element - Best Offer
- ADDED: Tabs title style option for the 8theme Tabs VC element
- ADDED: New cart icon design
- ADDED: Target blank option for the button shortcode
- IMPROVED: 8theme Tabs titles
- FIXED: Compatibility with Massive Addons plugin (Toggle option)
- FIXED: Products per page filter
- FIXED: Self hosted video for the products
- FIXED: Sticky sidebar for the Shop page on mobile devices
- FIXED: 360 product view popup close area
- FIXED: One-page navigation for the mobile devices
- FIXED: Image uploader for the variable images
- FIXED: Animation issue for "Banner with mask" and "Title with text" VC elements
- FIXED: Product search issue for multi-language sites
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
Version 3.2
December 10, 2016- ADDED: New version - Sushi Restaurant
- ADDED: IMPROVED: Content alignment on List and Chess blog layout
- FIXED: PHP Recoverable Error·Object of class WP_Error could not be converted to string
- FIXED: Z-index problem on mega menu with enabled secondary menu
- FIXED: Header Advanced on Dark Version
- UPDATED: Font Awesome to version 4.7.0
Version 3.1
November 30, 2016- ADDED: New version - Christmas
- ADDED: Massive Addons for Visual Composer plugin
- ADDED: Portfolio images size option
- ADDED: Options to disable custom post types
- ADDED: Additional custom tab for products
- ADDED: Share LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Skype buttons
- FIXED: Skip content import button
- FIXED: Child theme setup
- FIXED: Theme check warnings
- FIXED: Size guide for product layout center
- FIXED: Custom prefooter for the Shop and Blog pages
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
Version 3.0
November 17, 2016- ADDED: New version - Electronics
- ADDED: New home page - Default
- ADDED: New header - Advanced
- ADDED: Search by product category for the Advanced type of header
- ADDED: New type of Blog Layout - Framed
- ADDED: New type of Post Layout - Framed
- ADDED: Like 2 discount plugin
- ADDED: Theme activation
- ADDED: Translations for the menu labels
- ADDED: Account links for header "Variant 3"
- ADDED: Color scheme option for the fixed header
- ADDED: Custom footer options for shop page
- ADDED: Custom footer options for blog page
- ADDED: Testimonials columns option for slider+grid layout
- ADDED: New banner design (without any hover effect)
- ADDED: Sticky Sidebar option for Shop page
- ADDED: Fixed footer option (8theme Layout options)
- FIXED: Portfolio without WooCommerce PHP error
- FIXED: Nanoscroller for standard tabs type
- FIXED: Option to open bannerlink in a new window (8theme Banner VC element)
- FIXED: Custom widgetized area breaks VC styles
- FIXED: Product categories second level (open when visit)
- FIXED: Sticky Sidebar on the left side of the page
- FIXED: Category descripption for the full-width shop page layout
- UPDATED: Included plugins
- UPDATED: Documentation
Version 2.6
November 3, 2016- IMPROVED: Default Gallery Styles
- FIXED: Related products primary category
- FIXED: AJAX search
- FIXED: Quick View loading
- FIXED: Background position fixed (Firefox)
- FIXED: Stripe Payment Gateway issue
- FIXED: Background styles option
- FIXED: Header XStore 2 styling with white text color
- FIXED: Menu links align on some header variants
- FIXED: Stripe payment method styling on checkout page
- FIXED: Additional pages title (Import section)
- FIXED: Show Product Title option on single product page (Booking type of layout)
- UPDATED: Included plugins
Version 2.5
October 15, 2016- ADDED: WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates(comes bundled with XStore theme)
- ADDED: PHP 7 support
- FIXED: Product Categories accordion
- FIXED: Breadcrumbs
- FIXED: WooCommerce Store Notice
- FIXED: Translations (Share by Mail translation)
- FIXED: IE 10-11 bugs
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
Version 2.4
October 12, 2016- ADDED: New Home page - Boxed
- ADDED: Fixed Footer option
- ADDED: Custom prefooter static block for page/post option
- ADDED: Disable/Enable copyrights for post/page option
- ADDED: Custom breadcrumbs image option for Products/Posts Categories.
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
Version 2.3
October 4, 2016- ADDED: Hosting demo version
- ADDED: New product design type
- ADDED: Exmples of products with Subscription (Subscription plugin)
- ADDED: Compare plugin to recommended
- ADDED: New Visual Composer element - Custom Tabs with images
- ADDED: New Testimonials VC element design - Slider with Grid.
- ADDED: Option to set the primary category for product
- ADDED: Custom "My account" menu in header
- ADDED: New styles options for social icons element
- ADDED: Blog Category description and ability to use Revolution slider in Blog description
- FIXED: PHP notice on single product page
- FIXED: iPhone "Sort by" select bug
- REMOVED: Popup "Don't show this popup" checkbox
Version 2.2
September 24, 2016- ADDED: Landing demo version
- ADDED: New products design
- ADDED: Products compare option
- ADDED: Choose brands option (Brands carousel VC element)
- ADDED: Show popup when scrolled to the bottom of the page
- ADDED: Option to disable products hover effect on mobile devices
- ADDED: Portfolio permalinks options
- ADDED: Option to show sale price percentage (simple, affiliate products)
- FIXED: One-page navigation links
- FIXED: Categories shortcode PHP notice
- FIXED: Sidebar with 6 products per row for the full width mode
- FIXED: Brands Carousel VC element (number of brands option)
Version 2.1
September 15, 2016- ADDED: Jewellery demo version
- ADDED: New type of header
- ADDED: Infinite Scroll and Ajax pagination for products
- ADDED: 360° product viewer
- ADDED: Option for inputs custom background color
- ADDED: Multivendor demo
- ADDED: Stylization of multivendor layout
- IMPROVED: Headings typography options
- FIXED: Size guide scroll
- FIXED: Position of wishlist number label
- FIXED: 1 column product page layout + Products VC element
- FIXED: Custom size for blog images
- FIXED: Bug with a big logo for "Center 2" header type
- FIXED: Double title on breadcrumbs
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
- UPDATED: Included plugins
Version 2.0
September 8, 2016- ADDED: Hipster demo version
- ADDED: Products masonry option
- ADDED: Option to change header width
- ADDED: All product views to the Products VC element
- ADDED: New type of single product layout
- ADDED: New type of single post design
- ADDED: Fixed content option for product page
- ADDED: WooCommerce Product Vendors support
- ADDED: Header options for single post
- ADDED: fr_FR, es_MX, el_EL translation files
- ADDED: 200+ PSDs
- IMPROVED: Shop full width
- IMPROVED: Shopping Cart icon design
- IMPROVED: Sidebar widgets
- IMPROVED: Bordered layout
- IMPROVED: Dark Layout
- IMPROVED: Sidebar widgets
- IMPROVED: Bordered layout
- FIXED: Breadcrumbs on blog sub pages
- FIXED: Product hovers on mobile devices
- FIXED: Image sizes on blog arcticles
- FIXED: Single post images on mobile devices
- FIXED: RTL shop elements
- FIXED: Lookbook element on responsive
- FIXED: Products in tabs on mobile devices
- FIXED: Custom title size for small type of breadcrumbs
- FIXED: HTTPS video post type error
- FIXED: Performance issue with getimagesize function
- FIXED: Breadcrumbs on blog subpages
- FIXED: Product hovers on mobile devices
- FIXED: Image sizes on blog articles
- FIXED: Single post images on mobile devices
- FIXED: RTL shop elements
- FIXED: Lookbook on responsive
- FIXED: Products in tabs on mobile devices
- FIXED: 404 page not found text option
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
Version 1.9
August 25, 2016- ADDED: Bakery version
- ADDED: Instagram by hashtag
- ADDED: Images size option for blog
- ADDED: Select image size for blog element in Visual Composer
- ADDED: Option to change image size for related posts
- FIXED: Sidebar position on the brand page
- FIXED: Instagram large image size
- FIXED: Vertical tabs on Android default browser
- RTL: Fixed categories grid content direction
- RTL: Fixed bug with direction on portfolio page
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
Version 1.8
August 18, 2016- ADDED: New version – Drinks
- ADDED: New Layout of Single Product
- ADDED: Custom font options for 8theme - Title with text VC element
- ADDED: VK share button for single product and Post
- ADDED: Options to enable disable separate share buttons
- ADDED: Option to disable lightbox for single product image
- ADDED: Description for brands
- ADDED: About Us (Furniture version) import
- ADDED: Padding option for footer and copyrights area
- ADDED: Sidebar position on Shop page on mobile devices
- IMPROVED: Responsive on single product fixed type
- IMPROVED: Mobile menu typography
- IMPROVED: Product hovers
- IMPROVED: Demo content import (page reloads after import version)
- FIXED: Banners on mobile devices
- FIXED: Mailchimp styling conflict
- FIXED: Etheme Popup on mobile devices
- FIXED: Wishlist button on single product fixed type
- FIXED: Shop page background option
- FIXED: Banner google font notice
- FIXED: Division by zero notice
- FIXED: Menu align class for fixed header
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
Version 1.7
August 4, 2016- ADDED: New version - Organic Food
- ADDED: New header type
- ADDED: VK social link in Socials Widget
- IMPROVED: child theme functions.php
- FIXED: RTL content alignment in product quick view
- FIXED: RTL badges in shopping cart and wishlist widgets
- FIXED: RTL fixed elements alignment in header "Variant Center"
- FIXED: RTL minor bugs
- FIXED: Background color in default shopping cart icon
- FIXED: Header logo image in Firefox
- FIXED: Bug with main font in Firefox
- FIXED: Custom color for "back to previous page"
- UPDATED: Price styling in variation product
- UPDATED: Width of product images on tablet and mobile devices
- UPDATED: Included plugins
Version 1.6
July 28, 2016- ADDED: New version - Kids
- ADDED: New Coming Soon version
- ADDED: New design of About Us page
- ADDED: New header type with 2 menus: right and left
- ADDED: Custom menu option for page settings
- ADDED: New Shopping Icon design
- ADDED: Option to change Background color for shopping cart number label
- ADDED: Option to show number of cart items on favicon
- ADDED: About Us (kids version) import
- FIXED: Dashboard link in my account menu
- FIXED: Left inline breadcrumbs color scheme
- FIXED: Menu labels for 1st and 2d menu levels
- FIXED: Mega menu borders
- FIXED: Hide title option for mobile menu
- FIXED: RTL version CSS bugs
- FIXED: Minor CSS issues
Version 1.5
July 23, 2016- ADDED: RTL support - Demo
- ADDED: Hebrew language .po/.mo files
- Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.6.3
- ADDED: Option to hide single product sidebar on mobile and tablet
- ADDED: Option for blog pagination alignment
- ADDED: Showing of wishlist items dropdown when product added in wishlist
- FIXED: Subcategories+Post menu design in combination with Header Wide option
- FIXED: Dark color scheme for breadcrumbs
- FIXED: Custom paddings for Small breadcrumbs type
- FIXED: Stretch row option in combination with Boxed Layout
- FIXED: Single product tabs when Scroll option is disabled
- FIXED: Left bar tabs on mobile devices
- FIXED: Large breadcrumbs with left alignment
- FIXED: My Account header menu links (Page not found issue)
- FIXED: Post gallery on blog masonry layout
- FIXED: Border colors for dark text color scheme of top bar
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
- UPDATED: xstore.pot file
- UPDATED: XStore core plugin to version 1.0.4
Version 1.4
July 14, 2016- ADDED: New version - Glasses
- ADDED: Plugin for google maps stylization
- ADDED: Quick View additional layout
- ADDED: New Blog layout type
- ADDED: New Cart icon design
- FIXED: Tabs height problem on Single Product page
- FIXED: Core plugin fatal error (compatibility with WordPress Importer plugin)
- FIXED: Breadcrumbs on Brand page
- FIXED: Icon Box Title Font Family
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
- UPDATED: xstore.pot file
Version 1.3
July 07, 2016- ADDED: New version - Engineer
- ADDED: Fixed Image option for single product page
- ADDED: Nano scroll for accordion tabs type (single product) with custom height option
- ADDED: 5 and 6 columns Portfolio Layout
- ADDED: Social Icons filled type (Social Links widget)
- ADDED: Menu typography options
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
- UPDATED: xstore.pot file
- UPDATED: Included plugins
Version 1.2
July 01, 2016- ADDED: New 4 blank pages. XStore, Flat, Black, White, Red
- ADDED: Padding options for breadcrumbs
- ADDED: Dark version import
- ADDED: My account mini menu
- ADDED: Counter circle
- ADDED: New hover design on products
- FIXED: Cart quantity bug after update
- FIXED: Color options for classic product hover
- FIXED: Minor CSS fixes
- UPDATED: Revolution slider
Version 1.1
June 24, 2016- ADDED: New Version - Cosmetics
- ADDED: Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.6.1
- ADDED: Sale countdown for product
- ADDED: Product slider widget
- ADDED: Back to previous page option for Breadcrumbs
- ADDED: Responsive fonts option for banners
- ADDED: Classic design of category (category title below the image)
- ADDED: New header type
- ADDED: Fixed Blog sidebar
- ADDED: New breadcrumbs type
- ADDED: Blank page
- ADDED: Mask PSD for slider
- FIXED: Minor CSS bugs
- FIXED: Fatal error when enable different theme (XStore Core plugin update)
- UPDATED: Included plugins